- Glenford Mitchell. Administration, Bahá'í (2009-04). — On the international system governing the affairs of the Baha’i Faith; a framework based on electe...
- Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Administration, Bahá'í: Warwick Leaflets (1993). — Introduction to the Baha'i administration.
- Universal House of Justice. Administrative Order, Bahá'í (2000-08-13). — A number of questions about the functioning of the Baha'i Administrative Order.
- Universal House of Justice Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Administrative Rights, Removal of (1993).
- Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Bahá'í Community, The: A Summary of Its Organization and Laws (1947/1963). — An early manual and compilation on Baha'i administration, community, and laws.
- Moojan Momen. Bahá'í Conventions (1989). — Brief article, short enough to qualify as "fair use."
- Vickie Hu Poirier. Bahá'í Electoral Process, The: Servant Leadership or New Paradigm? (2006-05). — Exploratory survey of the unique electoral and leadership model which exists in the Baha’i communi...
- Shoghi Effendi and National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Bahá'í Procedure (1937). — Instructions from Shoghi Effendi and procedures and rulings adopted by the National Spiritual Assemb...
- Shoghi Effendi and Universal House of Justice Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Community Functioning, Issues Concerning: Fostering the Development of Bahá'í Communities (2000). — Extensive guidance on community development. Includes extracts from letters written on behalf of Sho...
- Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop. Counsellors, Board Members, and Assistants: Warwick Leaflets (2002). — An explanation of the ‘Appointed Arm’ of the Faith.
- Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá et al US Bahá'í Publishing Trust, comp. Covenant and Administration (1971).
- Paul Lample. Creating a New Mind: Reflections on the Individual, the Institutions, and the Community (1999). — On the influence of the human mind in shaping human reality, and three vehicles for changing reality...
- Michael Sabet. Democracy Built on Communicative Action, A: Bahá'í Political Practice as a Prefigurative Resource for Institutional Effectiveness, Accountability, and Inclusivity (2023-07). — Habermas' mode for coordinating society grounded in deliberation; the critical role of prefigurative...
- Arash Abizadeh. Democratic Elections without Campaigns? Normative Foundations of National Baha'i Elections (2005). — Article on the philosophical foundations and core values of Baha’i elections, with particular atte...
- Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum and Ann Boylan et al. "Easy Familiarity," Explanations of (1912/1947/1974). — Statements on displays of affection (hugging and kissing) between members of the opposite sex. Also ...
- Shoghi Effendi and Universal House of Justice Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Elections: Sanctity and Nature of Bahá'í Elections (2000).
- Shoghi Effendi. Elections, Baha'i (1991).
- Universal House of Justice Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. Elections, Bahá'í: Defining a "Minority" for the Purpose of Resolving a Tie for Ninth Place (1999).
- Universal House of Justice. Electoral Process, Bahá'í (2007-03-25). — Refers to the responsibility of individual Baha'is in participating in Baha'i elections and mentions...
- Universal House of Justice. Electoral Process, Bahá'í: Clarifications, and Three Way Tie (2012-11-07). — How to resolve a 3-way tie when 2 parties are minorities; when voting, should one consider age distr...
- Universal House of Justice. Establishment of Regional Bahá'í Councils in Certain Countries, Their Characteristics and Functions, The (1997-05-30). — Outline of various policies governing the formation and functioning of Regional Baha'i Councils.
- Universal House of Justice. Establishment of Regional Bahá'í Councils in the United States (1997-05-30). — Announcement of the historic event of the founding of a new administrative level in the United State...
- Universal House of Justice. Establishment of Regional Councils: Introduction (1997-05-30). — Nature, functioning, and establishment of the administrative bodies known as Regional Baha'i Council...
- Whitney White Kazemipour. Even as the Waves of One Sea: Bahá'í Consultation's Implicit Cultural Support for the Clash of Differing Opinions (2024-03). — A letter from Shoghi Effendi introduces some cultural dynamics which underlie Baha'i consultation; d...
- Shoghi Effendi. Extracts from Letters Written by or on Behalf of Shoghi Effendi Regarding the Absence of Clergy in the Baha'i Faith (1998). — Compilation included with a memorandum from the House of Justice from 1998/02/11 regarding the aboli...
- Christopher Buck. Fifty Bahá'í Principles of Unity: A Paradigm of Social Salvation (2014). — World religions are systems of salvation, liberation, or harmony, in direct response to the perceive...
- National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States. Guidance for Bahá'í Groups (2000). — The purpose, organization, functioning, limitations, privileges and responsibilities of Baha'i group...
- Universal House of Justice. Individual Rights and Freedoms (1988-12-29). — An important and often-quoted letter about rights and freedom of expression in the Baha'i community,...
- Universal House of Justice. Institution of the Counsellors (2001-01-29). — Detailed discussion of the history and function of the highest level of the "Institution of the Lear...
- Duane L. Herrmann. International Bahá'í Council (1990-03). — History of the formation of the IBC.
- Universal House of Justice. Learning to Respond to Emerging New Realities: Messages from the Universal House of Justice (2006). — Two letters to the US NSA dealing with expansion and administration, and a document prepared by the ...
- Abdu'l-Bahá. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). — Tablets of ‘Abdul-Baha describing aspects of the life of Baha’u’llah including the tribulation...
- Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá et al. Helen Bassett Hornby, comp. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File (1988). — The classic Baha'i reference book. This is its first online edition.
- Armin J. Jezari. Measuring Success: An Exploratory Study of United States Bahá'í Local Spiritual Assemblies and the Five Year Plan (2010). — Applied research project on what degree a typical Local Spiritual Assembly in the United States is a...
- Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi et al Research Department of the Universal House of Justice, comp. National Convention, The (2000).
- Universal House of Justice. National Convention, The (1992-12).
- Universal House of Justice and Horace Holley. National Spiritual Assembly, The (1986). — Includes Holley's brief overview of the nature of an NSA and the history of Baha`i Temple Unity, NSA...
- Universal House of Justice. NSA staff members answering correspondence; prayers of Abdu'l-Baha (2011-09-19). — Two topics: the use by National Spiritual Assembly staff members to handle correspondence, and the a...
- Michael Karlberg. Paradox of Protest in a Culture of Contest, The (2003-07). — In our culture, political and legal institutions are structured as contests and reform is characteri...
- Moojan Momen. Power and the Bahá'í community (2018). — While Baha'i social teachings may have sounded new and exciting a century ago, that is no longer the...
- Baharieh Rouhani Ma'ani. Preparing Bahá'í Communities in the East and West to Embrace Gender Equality (2011). — The way Abdu'l-Baha dealt with the matter of gender equality, some of his writings revealed in honor...
- Duane Troxel. Present Structure of Bahá'í Administration (2005). — One-page illustration showing the full structure of the Baha'i Institutions and their inter-connecti...
- Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá et al. Principios de Administración Bahá'í (Una compilación) (1961). — Spanish translation of Principles of Baha'i Administration
- Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá et al National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, comp. Principles of Bahá'í Administration (1950/1973). — A guide to procedure in the life and organic activity of the Baha'i community, prepared from three m...
- Kevin Brogan. Roman Catholic Priesthood and Bahá'í Administration, The (2002). — Helping Baha’is understand the theology and function of Roman Catholic Priesthood and helping Cath...
- Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum. Spiritual Assembly's Growing Pains, A (1976). — A play, in 28 pages, showing "some of the workings of a Baha'i Spiritual Assembly: some of the blund...
- Spiritual Reinforcement: Study Questions, Compilation, and Quiz (1957 (?)). — Questions and quizzes for individual study and group discussion, on "what every Baha'i should know" ...
- Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá et al National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, comp. Stewardship and Development (2005). — Deepening tool for understanding the spiritual nature of giving, and a reference tool for use by NSA...
- Viva Rodwell. Three Ages of Man, The: Are They Integrated? (1996). — Childhood, adulthood, old age, and family integration in contemporary culture.
- Adib Taherzadeh. Trustees of the Merciful: An Introduction to Bahá'í Administration (1972/1999/2009). — The spirit that animates the Administrative Order of Baha’u’llah; spiritual attitudes that chara...
- Twenty-four Questions and Answers in Bahá'í Administration (n.d.). — [needs abstract]