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1976. 1 - 4 Jan On the weekend of January 1—4, the newly-formed Canadian Association for Studies on the Bahá'í Faith held its first annual meeting at Cedar Glen, a conference centre 30 miles north of Toronto. The postal strike had made it impossible for the executive committee to provide adequate notification to the members, and this together with the very bad weather, suggested that attendance would be quite small. The committee, therefore, reserved space for only 50 people. No fewer than 80 participants turned up. Moreover, they came from every province in Canada, except Prince Edward Island, and from as far north as the Yukon. Fifteen local Spiritual Assemblies each sent a representative, and of course a number of the members of the Association were present in a dual capacity as representatives either of their own Spiritual Assembly or of a campus club.

Seven speakers presented papers in a wide range of academic disciplines. The speakers were:
'Abdu'l Misagh Ghadirian-"August Forel: His Life and Enlightenment".
Douglas Martin-"The Bahá'í Faith and Its Critics".
Luc Dion, a student of Physics at the Université du Québec in Chicoutimi-"La realité du monde e l'existence de Dieu". He had the distinction of being the first Bahá'í student to present a formal paper and also presented the first paper in French.
Hossain Danesh-"Violence and Apathy".
William Hatcher-on the relationship between science and religion.
Don Rogers-"The Function of Revelation in Artistic Expression".
Glen Eyford-"Spiritual Education".

A decision was taken to begin the publication of Bahá'í Studies.

In addition, the "Ballet Shayda" presented a group of three dances on Saturday evening. [BC Issue 291 February 1976 p6]

Cedar Glen, ON Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian; Bahai Studies, Associations for; Ballet Shayda; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian; Douglas Martin; Luc Dion; Hossain Danesh; William Hatcher; Don Rogers; Otto Rogers; Glen Eyford
1980. 2 - 4 Jun Immediately following the ABS Conference, and under the sponsorship of the Association for Bahá'í Studies, the first International Bahá'í Conference on Health and Healing was convened. It was open to Bahá'í s only. The aims of the conference were (1) to further enhance research and study on various Writings of the Bahá'í Faith as they pertain to health and healing; (2) to provide a forum for individuals to share their scientific findings and the results of their clinical activities; and (3) to initiate collaborative research and service projects on an international scale.

The conference began with a presentation by Dr. Victor de Araujo entitled, "Health: A Global Perspective". Dr. Hossain Danesh then presented a review of the historical relationship between religion and science in general and the science of medicine in particular. These two talks set the tone and direction of the conference.

For the remaining two and a half days, the participants were treated to an array of challenging, informative and well-researched presentations such as: "Mind, Body and Soul" by Dr. Faraneh Khadem; "The Baha'i Revelation and Lifestyle Alternation" by Dr. David Smith; "Adolescent Quest for Tranquility: the Dilemma of Drug Abuse" by Dr. A. M. Ghadirian; ‘‘Scientific Method of Search for Truth" by Dr. Peter Morgan; "Total Stimulation for Children Recovering from Malnutrition" by Linda Gershuny; "Nutrition: Key Factor in High-Level Wellness" by Dr. S. Raman; "Music Therapy" by Jocelyn Boor; "Healing Relationship in Marriage" by Ruth Eyford and Helgi Eyford; and "The Importance for a Physician to turn to God" by Dr. Agnes Ghaznavi.

There were four very successful workshops: "Smoking and Exercise"; ‘‘Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Youth"; "Baha'i Life" and ‘‘Baha'i Approach to Sexuality". The participants also had the pleasure of attending the performance of Ballet Shayda on the theme of "Women in Motion''.

. The closing addresses were given by Hand of the Cause John Robarts and by Florence Altass, a 96 year old Bahá'í from England, who due to a recent and severe illness, was not able to attend the conference but sent a paper and taped message. Throughout the conference, Mr. Robarts greatly encouraged the friends, showered them with his love and guided them with his remarks. He reminded Bahá'í health professionals of the importance of prayer and turning to God for assistance at the time of dispensing treatment. It was through his closing remarks, quoting from the Writings of the Faith, that the audience caught a glimpse of the unity of religion and science which will no doubt characterize the medical sciences of the future. [BC Vol 2 Issue 12 September/October 1980 p30]

Ottawa, ON International Bahai Conference on Health and Healing; Victor de Araujo; Hossain Danesh; Faraneh Khadem; David Smith; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian; Peter Morgan; Linda Gershuny; S. Raman; Jocelyn Boor; Ruth Eyford; Helgi Eyford; Agnes Ghaznavi; John Robarts; Florence Altass; Ballet Shayda
1981. 29 May - 3 Jun The International Conference on Marriage and the Family was held May 29-June 3 was held in Ottawa concurrent with the ABS conference to hear papers presented by scholars on various aspects of Bahá'í studies.

Just as Amatu'l-Bahá Rúḥíyyih Khánum had ended the Association's annual conference, so she opened the three days of its International Bahá'í Conference on Marriage and the Family, speaking first about the problem of divorce, endemic among the Bahá'ís as it is in the world at large, and a source of great concern at the World Centre. Although marriage, she said, is not in itself a commandment, it is essential that Bahá'ís obey and take seriously the Bahá'í laws on marriage.

One of the speakers at the International Bahá'í Conference on Marriage and the Family, sponsored by the Association for Bahá'í Studies was Mrs Yoshiko Nomura, a housewife from Tokyo, Japan, who was the founder and executive director of the Center for Lifelong Integrated Education.

Other speakers included Kerry Mothersill, A.M. Ghadirian, Khalil A. Khavari, Michael Bruwer, Jane Faily, Frank Haendel, Hossain Danesh, Eric Frost, Sandra Roberts, N. Peseschkian, Ruth Eyford, and Anne McGillivray. [BN Issue 607 October 1981 p7]

Ottawa, ON International Conference on Marriage and the Family; Amatul-Baha Ruḥiyyih Khanum; Kerry Mothersill; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian; Khalil A. Khavari; Michael Bruwer; Jane Faily; Frank Haendel; Hossain Danesh; Eric Frost; Sandra Roberts; Nossrat Peseschkian; Ruth Eyford; Anne McGillivray
2015 27 Jan The National Spiritual Assembly of Canada announced the names of the Members of the Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh for Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon. The members were: Mr. Bruce Moore, Mrs. Donna Seyed Mahmoud, Mrs. Nasrin Neyestani and Dr. Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian.
  • In December of the same year they announced the new term of service for the Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh in Canada and added an additional member with the appointment of Dr. Faran Vafaie as Deputy Trustee member of the Board of Trustees. [BCNS31Dec2017]
  • Toronto, ON Huququllah; Board of Trustees; Bruce Moore, Donna Seyed Mahmoud, Nasrin Neyestani; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian
    2015 20 Feb The National Spiritual Assembly of Canada announced the names of the five members appointed by the International Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh to serve on the Board of Trustees for Canada and Saint Pierre and Miquelon, with a three-year term of service, commencing 1 December 2014.
  • Those appointed were: Dr. Abdu'l-Missagh Ghadirian, Mr. Bruce William Moore, Ms. Nasrin Neyestani, Mrs. Donna Ann Marie Seyed Mahmoud, Mrs. Shabnam Tashakour.
  • In its letter to the National Spiritual Assembly announcing these appointments, the International Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh shared the following regarding their service:
  • The primary function of a Board of Trustees is to educate the friends on the spiritual significance of the mighty law of Huqúqu'lláh, enabling them to better appreciate that obedience to this law is "bound to attract divine confirmations, heavenly blessings and incalculable favours, and to promote the manifold interests of the International Bahá'í Community. [CBNS20150220]
  • Toronto, ON Huququllah; Board of Trustee; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian; Bruce William Moore; Nasrin Neyestani; Donna Ann Marie Seyed Mahmoud; Shabnam Tashakour
    2017 30 Apr In his address to the Canadian National Convention on behalf of the Board of Trustees of Huqúqu'lláh for Canada, Dr A-M Ghadirian stated that there were 1,115 Representatives and Deputy Trustees worldwide in 31 National and Regional Boards of Trustees. Toronto, ON Huququllah; Huququllah, Trustees of; Statistics; Abdul-Missagh Ghadirian
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