- 1905-00-00 — Agnes Alexander arrived in Alaska, the first Baha'i travelling teacher to visit the territory. [BBR...
- 1915-06-16 — Miss Margaret Green of Washington DC arrived in Alaska, the first known resident Baha'i. She settled...
- 1926-01-00 — Orcella Rexford and her husband Dr Gayne Gregory (the first to accept the Faith in Alaska) went to H...
- 1939-00-00 — Honor Kempton opened a bookshop lending library, calling it "The Book Cache". [<a href="https://b...
- 1939-00-00 — Miss Janet Whitenack, relocated from New York to Alaska, became the first person to declare in Alask...
- 1943-09-04 — The first local spiritual assembly in Alaska was established at Anchorage....
- 1949-00-00 — Agnes Harrison (née Parent), an Athabascan, became a Baha'i in Alaska, the first Native Alaskan to ...
- 1952-11-12 — Dagmar Dole, pioneer to Alaska and Denmark, passed away in Glion, Switzerland.
Shoghi Effendi sai...
- 1954-00-02 — The first Tlinget from Alaska to become a Baha'i, Eugene King, enrolled....
- 1954-05-01 — Elinore Putney arrived in the Aleutian Islands and was named a Knight of Baha'u'llah. [BW13:449]...
- 1956-00-00 — The first Tlinget to become a Baha'i in Alaska, Joyce Anderson Combs, enrolled....
- 1957-04-21 — The National Spiritual Assembly of Alaska was formed and incorporated immediately upon formation. [H...
- 1958-00-00 — The first Aleut to become a Baha'i, Vassa Lekanoff, enrolled in Unalaska....
- 1959-00-02 — The first Inuit in Alaska to become a Baha'i, William Wiloya, enrolled in Nome....
- 1974-00-00 — The first Native Council took place in Haines, Alaska, attended by 50 native Baha'is....
- 1974-04-21 — The first local spiritual assembly of Kotzebue, an Iñupiat Eskimo community situated north of the A...
- 1976-01-10 — The most northerly-located local spiritual assembly in the world was formed in the Iñupiat communit...
- 1976-07-23 — An International Teaching Conference was held in Anchorage, Alaska, attended by 1,005 Baha'is. [BW17...