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1951 Ridván The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Central America, Mexico and the Antilles was elected at an international convention in Panama City. Those elected were: Srta. Raquel J. Francois, Mrs. Cora H. Oliver, Srta. Elena Marsella, Srta. Natalia Chavez, James V. Facey Srta. Zenayda Jurado C, Mrs. Louise Caswell, Dr. David Escalante, Artemus Lamb. [BW12:60; Bahá'í News No 244 June 1951 p12]
  • 25 delegates representing 12 countries were present at the convention. [BW12:60]
  • For a photo of those attending see Bahá'í Historical Facts.
  • The countries of Central America were Belize, Costa Rica (confirmed) El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama.
  • Panama National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Raquel Francois; Cora Oliver; Elena Marsella; Natalia Chavez; James Facey; Zenayda Jurado C; Louise Caswell; David Escalante; Artemus Lamb

    from the main catalogue

    1. Artemus Lamb, 1905-1998, by Quentin Farrand (1998-01). Biography of a pioneer to Central and South America, who also recorded pilgrim's notes with the Guardian. [about]
    2. Beginnings of the Bahá'í Faith in Latin America, The: Some Remembrances, by Artemus Lamb (1995). Overview of Bahá'í history in South America, with autobiographical reflections of time in Chile in the 1940s. [about]
    3. Haifa Notes, by Artemus Lamb (1953-10-21). Notes of a 5-day visit with the Guardian, by a pioneer to South America. [about]
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