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1908 Sep
(New York) Bahá'í Bulletin Published September, 1908 to May 1909 (5 issues)
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Volume 1, Issues 1
September 1908
Volume 1, Issues 2 and 3
October 1908
Volume 1, Issue 4
December 1908
Volume 1, Issue 5
January-February-March 1909
Volume 1, Issue 6
April-May 1909

The Bahá'í Bulletin was succeeded a year later by the Bahá'í News which subsequently became Star of the West a year after that. [BWNS1289] See 1910 21 March
New York; United States Bahai Bulletin; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
1910 21 Mar The first issue of the Bahá'í News was published in Chicago. [BFA2:XVII; BW10:179; BWNS1289]
  • See BFA2:320–2, BW8:927 and SBBH1:116–17 for the magazine's development.
  • It was the first Bahá'í magazine published in the West. [BBD2 14]
  • Star of the West was published as Bahá'í News (Volume 1, Issues 1-19 from 21 March, 1910 until 2 March, 1911) and later under Star of the West /The Bahá'í Magazine (Volume 2 to Volume 25, 21 March, 1911 until 25 March,1935).
  • Its editors were Albert Windust and Gertrude Buikema. Others involved with its publication over its history were Albert and Emily Vail, Dr. Zia Baghdadi, Ahmad Sohrab, Edna M. True; with Horace Holley and Stanwood Cobb being singled out as early contributors. [Duane Troxel]
    Star of the West Published March 1910 to April 1935
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             Volume # / Dates (links)   
    Vol 1 (Mar 1910) - Vol 10 (Mar 1920)
    Vol 11 (Mar 1920) - Vol 20 (Mar 1930)
    Vol 21 (Apr 1930) - Vol 25 (Apr 1935)

    For an access to the Star of the West archives see This site is not searchable.

  • Chicago; United States Star of the West; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1921 (In the year) A journal called Bahá'í News started publishing in English and Persian. [BWNS1289] India Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1923. 3 Feb Shoghi Effendi wrote to the editors and manager of the Star of the West Albert Vail Miss Edna True Dr. Zia M. Baghdádí Mírzá Aḥmad Sohrab. He reported that he had requested every Spiritual Assembly throughout Persia, Turkestan, Caucasus, India, Egypt, ‘Iráq, Turkey, Syria and Palestine to contribute periodically carefully written articles to the magazine, and submit regularly for publication a special report on their spiritual activities and the progress of the Cause in their own province. [Uncompiled Published Letters p30 by Shoghi Effendi]
  • He sent a similar note of encouragement to the editor of the Indian Bahá'í News and to the editors of The Dawn in Burma. [PP347-348; Uncompiled Published Letters p36 by Shoghi Effendi]
  • BWC; New York; India; Burma Star of the West; Indian Bahai News; Dawn, The (newsletter); Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications
    1924 24 Dec The first Bahá'í News Letter, forerunner of Bahá'í News, was published in New York by the National Assembly of the United States and Canada with Horace Holley as the editor. [BBRSM122; BW10:180; BW13:856; SBR232]
  • For links to the publications see entry at 1990-10-00.
  • New York; United States Newsletters; Bahai News; Horace Holley; Publications; First publications; - Periodicals
    1962. 20 Jul The passing of Harlan Foster Ober (b. October 6, 1881 in Beverly, Massachusetts) in Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
  • He had graduated from Harvard University in 1905 with a B.A. and later obtained a law degree from Northeastern University in Boston.
  • Harlan Ober became a Bahá'í at Green Acre in 1905. Another source said it was in the spring of 1906 in a room in the Commonwealth Hotel in Boston that he overcame his doubts while using a prayer and other literature given to him by Lua Getsinger. [LDNW23; 100-101; SBR120-121]
  • Hooper Harris and Lua Getsinger's brother, Dr. William Moore, were selected to make a teaching trip to India. When Moore died suddenly Harlan Ober was chosen to replace him. As he had no funds for the trip Lua borrowed the money from Mr Hervey Lunt, the father of Alfred Lunt. [LGHC105]
  • In 1906 he made a visit to 'Abdu'l-Bahá while He was still confined to prison.
  • On the 17th of July, 1912 he married Grace Roberts (aunt of future Hand of the Cause John Robarts) in a ceremony conducted by the Reverend Howard Colby Ives at 209 West 78th Street in New York. When ‘Abdu'l-Bahá visited America in 1912 He had suggested that Grace Robarts and Harlan marry, and they both agreed with the match, with Harlan travelling to New York from Boston and proposing in Central Park after being informed of the suggestion by Lua Getsinger. ‘Abdu'l-Bahá performed the marriage ceremony in the room he was staying in in New York on July 17, 1912, and Howard Colby Ives later performed a legal ceremony. [SoW Vol 3 No 12 p14; Bahaipedia; The Jouney West, July 2012; Mother's Stories: Stories of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá and Early Believers told by Muriel Ives Barrow Newhall to her son, p. 20]
  • They adopted three children of English, German and Russian background.
  • It was from their home in Cambridge, MA, from the office of the National Teaching Committee, that the first Teaching Bulletin was issued on November 19, 1919. This bulletin evolved to the US Baha'i News.
  • He was closely involved with Race Unity work and made many teaching trips to the southern states with his friend Louis Gregory.
  • He served on the Bahá'í Temple Unity Executive Board as president or secretary from 1918 to 1920. The work of this board was taken over by the National Spiritual Assembly when it was elected in 1922.
  • In 1938 Harlan was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada and he served on it until 1941.
  • Grace passed away in 1938, leaving Harlan widowed.
  • He married his second wife, Dr Elizabeth Kidder Ober in Beverly, MA on the 21st of June, 1941. Shoghi Effendi was pleased with the way the marriage was conducted, without having any church ceremony or minister conduct the service. [BW13p869, 871]
  • After their pilgrimage in 1956 Harlan and Elizabeth Ober travelled to South Africa where they helped form the first all-African Local Spiritual Assembly in Pretoria as had previously been request of them by the Guardian. They returned in December as pioneers. [BW13869]
  • He was appointed to the Auxiliary Board for Protection in Africa in October of 1957 and served on the National Teaching Committee of South and West Africa for two years.
  • He was buried in the Zandfontein Cemetery in Pretoria. [BW13p870; Find a grave; Bahaipedia; BW13p869]
  • Beverly MA; United States; Pretoria; South Africa Harlan Ober; Grace Robarts Ober; In Memoriam; US Bahai News; Race Unity; Elizabeth Kidder Ober; Elizabeth Ober; Auxiliary Board Members
    1990 Oct The publication of the last issue of the Bahá'í News by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States after nearly 70 years of uninterrupted service. [CBN Feb1991pg15]
    • Issues 1 to 40 were published under the name Bahá'í News Letter. Subsequent issues, from #41 to #714, were entitled simply Bahá'í News.

    Bahá'í News Published December 1924 to October 1990
              Link (Will open in this window)            
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    "Bahá'í News" Issues 001-110
    Dec 1924 - Sep 1937
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 111-210
    Oct 1937 - Aug 1948
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 211-280
    Sep 1948 - Jun 1954
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 281-345
    Jul 1954 - Nov 1959
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 346-400
    Dec 1959 - Jul 1964
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 401-440
    Aug 1964 - Nov 1967
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 441-490
    Dec 1967 - Jan 1972
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 491-525
    Feb 1972 - May 1975
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 526-580
    Jun 1975 - Jul 1979
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 581-630
    Aug 1979 - Sep 1983
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 631-670
    Oct 1983 - Jan 1987
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 671-714
    Feb 1987 - Oct 1990

    Subscribers in the United States received an insert entitled US Supplement from 1958 to 1967 and the name of the insert was changed to National Bahá'í Review from 1968 until the Bahá'í News discontinued publication in 1990.
    United States Bahai News; Newsletters; - Periodicals; Publications

    from the chronology of Canada

    date event locations tags see also
    1950's (Early) The editor of the Canadian Bahá'í News was Miss Vicki Bond of Montreal. [CBN No 13 May 1950] Montreal, QC Vicki Bond; Canadian Bahai News
    1958 Feb The National Spiritual Assembly published a policy statement for the Canadian Bahá'í News. [CBN No 97 February 1958 p4] Canadian Bahai News; policy
    2007. 3 Aug In an email addressed to all Local Spiritual Assemblies and Bahá'í Groups, Gerald Filson, the Director of External Affairs announced the launch of a new site of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, The purpose of the site is to feature news articles of Bahá'í-related activities in Canada, listings of upcoming events, and headlines of newspaper articles from across the country that mention the Bahá'í Faith." Canadian Bahai News

    from the main catalogue

    1. Bahá'í Journal of the United Kingdom (1997-2004). Eight years of news and essays from the Journal of the Bahá'í Community of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [about]
    2. Bahá'í News: Complete issues, in Bahá'í News (1924-1990). Link to offsite documents. [about]
    3. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service, in Bahá'í World (2018-10-12). Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service. [about]
    4. Letters and Extracts of Writings from the Guardian Published in the US Bahá'í News 1924 - 1934, by Shoghi Effendi (1924-1934). [about]
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