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1981 1 Jan The publication of Der Bahā'ismus, Weltreligion der Zukunft?: Geschichte, Lehre und Organisation in Kritischer Anfrage (Bahá'ism-Religion of the Future? History, Doctrine and Organization: A Critical Inquiry) by Francesco Ficicchia under the auspices of the Central Office of the Protestant Church for Questions of Ideology in Germany. This book was distributed by the Protestant Church and became the most widespread book on the Bahá'í Faith in German, and as such was widely accepted as a critical academic publication. At the time of its distribution a decision was taken to not dignify the publication with a rebuttal. This proved to be an error. Making the Crooked Straight was published in 1995 in German and translated/published by George Ronald Publishers in 2000. The purpose of the book, as the name suggests, was to address the distorted views presented in Ficicchia's publication. [MCSintroduction]
  • See The Refutation of Francesco Ficicchia and the Dangers of Silence by Jack McLean.
  • Germany Opposition; Criticism and apologetics; Making the Crooked Straight (book); Bahai Scholarship; Protestantism; Christianity
    1984. 9 Aug A statement on the encouragement of Bahá'í scholarship was issued by the International Teaching Centre. [BW19p372] BWC Bahai Scholarship
    2009. 4 Jan See the letter from the Department of the Secretariat of the Universal House of Justice to the National Spiritual Assembly of the Australia regarding the development of the Yerrinbool Bahá'í Centre of Learning. Yerrinbool; Australia Bahai Studies; Bahai Academics; Bahai Scholarship
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