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1947 (In the year) Gladys Anderson Weeden arrived at the World Centre to assist Shoghi Effendi, and took responsibility for liaising with government and other officials. [BW18:694]
  • She married Ben Weeden on 20 March 1948 in Jerusalem; he assisted with building projects at the World Centre. [BW15:478; BW18:694]
  • BWC Gladys Anderson Weeden; Ben Weeden
    1950 Nov From Switzerland, Shoghi Effendi invited five Bahá'ís—Lotfullah Hakim, Jessie and Ethel Revell, Amelia Collins and Mason Remey—to Haifa. [PP251]
  • They, together with Ben and Gladys Weeden who were already there, were told that they would constitute the International Bahá'í Council. [PP251–2]
  • Switzerland; BWC; Haifa International Bahai Council; Lutfullah Hakim; Jessie Revell; Ethel Revell; Amelia Collins; Charles Mason Remey; Ben Weeden; Gladys Anderson Weeden
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