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Search for tag "Camphor"

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  1. Camphor and Metaphor, by Dana Paxson (2023). The single word ‘camphor’ appears once in the holy Qur’án. It also appears in the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh and ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. Here we explore this term, its referents, and its sense of surprise, feeding meanings of great spiritual potency. [about]
  2. Camphor and the Camphor Fountain, by Frank Lewis (1999-04). What is the meaning of the camphor fount — a symbol common in the writings of Bahá'u'lláh, Abdu'l-Bahá, and the Qur'an — what is its context, and what is the cup tempered there? [about]
  3. Camphor Fountain: Compilation and Commentary, by Mark A. Foster (2003). [about]
  4. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica, in Encyclopaedia Iranica (1982-2023). Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles. [about]
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