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1990 9 Apr The establishment of the Chair for Bahá'í Studies at the University of Indore (later renamed Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya). Dr. Vishnudatta Nagar was appointed to the position. [BINS222:8; VV108; BW'86-‘92pg454]

The purpose of the Chair for Bahá'í studies embodied in the agreement was as follows:
a. to promote Research and scholarship in Bahá'í Studies.
b) to design and conduct courses , seminars, and studies in the field of Bahá'í studies and related subjects within an interdisciplinary context and publish results and reports of such activities.
c) to promote inter-university linkage through seminars, exchange lectures etc with a view to promote interfaith harmony, national/ international integration and world peace. [Bahá'í Chair for Studies and Development]

  • See Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 12 February 1990.
  • Indore; India Chair in Bahai Studies; Universities
    1996 15 Jan A Chair for Bahá'í Studies was inaugurated at the University of Lucknow. [BINS354:3] Lucknow; India Chair in Bahai Studies; Universities; Firsts, Other
    1999 June The dedication of the first academic chair in Bahá'í studies in Israel at Hebrew University of Jerusalem with the appointment of Prof. Moshe Sharon. The position was made possible because of an anonymous donation. [Jerusalem Post, June 7, 1999, BWNS84] Jerusalem; Israel Chair in Bahai Studies; Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Universities; Moshe Sharon; Firsts, Other; Donations; BWNS

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    1. Hope and Resilience: The Application of Spiritual Principles to Community Life, by Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (2021). On how communities use concepts and principles such as the oneness of humankind and interconnectedness with nature in their efforts to contribute towards the common good; on strong networks of social support and the management of water-related challenges. [about]
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