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1920 10 Apr Clara and Hyde Dunn arrived in Sydney, Australia. [AB445] SBR158 says this was 18 Apr 1919.
  • They are thought to be the first Bahá'í pioneers to have arrived at their post after the release of the Tablets of the Divine Plan. [G. Hassel]
  • Within three years they had visited 225 towns. [Keynote address by Dr. Vahid Saberi at the Heroes Teaching Conference 6-7 April, 2019]
  • By the time Hyde passed away in Sydney in 1941 the Bahá'í Teachings had been taken to every State; Local Spiritual Assemblies had been established in Auckland, Sydney and Adelaide; the National Spiritual Assembly had been established in 1934 and the Yerrinbool Bahá'í School had been inaugurated in 1938. [Spiritual conquerors of this wide, brown land by Graham Hassall]
  • In 2020 the Australian community commemorated the centenary this event.
  • A 26-page booklet called A Vision of Unity was published.
  • See Outpost of a World Religion: The Bahá'í Faith in Australia 1920-1947 by Graham Hassall in SBBH14 p201 and in Journal of Religious History, 16:3, pages 315-338 1991-06.
  • Sydney; Australia Clara and Hyde Dunn; Clara Dunn; Hyde Dunn; Hands of the Cause

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    1. Dunn, Clara and Hyde, by Graham Hassall (2000-01). Biography of two early Bahá'í teachers and pioneers. [about]
    2. Dunn, Clara and John Henry Hyde, by Graham Hassall, in The Bahá'í Encyclopedia (2009). On the couple who went to Australia in 1920 in response to ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s call for worldwide expansion of the Bahá’í Faith and firmly established it in the Antipodes, designated Hands of the Cause of God by Shoghi Effendi. [about]
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