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1928 27 Aug The word ‘Bahá'í' was registered with the United States Patent Office as a trademark. [BW6:348] United States United States Patent Office; Copyright and trademarks
1934 28 Aug Mishkín-Qalam's calligraphic rendering of the Greatest Name was registered as a trademark with the United States patent office. [BW6:350] United States Mishkin-Qalam; Greatest Name; United States patent office; Copyright and trademarks
1964 5 Nov Followers of Charles Mason Remey filed suit in the United States District Court for Northern Illinois against the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States, claiming they were the rightful owners of all Bahá'í properties and funds in the United States. [BW14:95]
  • The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States filed a counter-claim asking the court to restrain the Covenant-breakers from using Bahá'í names and symbols protected by trademark. [BW14:95]
  • United States Charles Mason Remey; Covenant-breakers; NSA; Court cases; Copyright and trademarks; Criticism and apologetics
    1965 23 Mar The case filed by the followers of Charles Mason Remey against the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States was dismissed on technical grounds. [BW14:95]
  • The Covenant-breakers filed a further suit. [BW14:95]
  • United States Charles Mason Remey; Covenant-breakers; National Spiritual Assemblies; Court cases; Copyright and trademarks
    1966 8 Mar The second suit brought against the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States by the followers of Charles Mason Remey, who claimed to he the lawful owners of all Bahá'í properties and funds in the United States, was dismissed. [BW14:95] United States Charles Mason Remey; Covenant-breakers; National Spiritual Assemblies; Court cases; Copyright and trademarks
    1966 1 Jun The counter-claim of the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States against the followers of Charles Mason Remey restraining them from using Bahá'í names and symbols, was upheld when the Covenant-breakers failed to appear at the trial. [BW14:95] United States Charles Mason Remey; Covenant-breakers; National Spiritual Assemblies; Copyright and trademarks; Court cases; Criticism and apologetics

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1935. 3 Dec The federal government issued to the Bahá'í Community a letter of patents for the word "Bahá'í". [OBCC259] Patent; Copyright and trademarks

    from the main catalogue

    1. Bahá'í Schism Battles It out in Court, by Manya A. Brachear, in Chicago Tribune (2009-05-30). Short article touching on a lawsuit to prevent covenant-breakers from using the word "Bahá'í" and "The Greatest Name." [about]
    2. Basis of the Bahá'í Community, The: A Statement Concerning the New History Society, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States (1941-11). A statement on Ahmad Sohrab's activities and its trademark infringement case. [about]
    3. Copyright options for submissions to the Bahá'í Library Online, by Brett Zamir (2006). [about]
    4. Copyright Status of Bahá'í Texts, by United States Bahá'í Publishing Trust (1996-11). Questions regarding copyright and posting of Sacred Writings on the Internet. [about]
    5. Historical Analysis of Critical Transformations in the Evolution of the Bahá'í World Faith, An, by Vernon Elvin Johnson (1974). Detailed study of major changes in the Faith's history, opposition to such changes, and their resulting tensions and resolutions. [about]
    6. National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States vs. New Mexico Covenant-Breakers, in United States Patent Quarterly, 150 (1966). Documents from the lawsuit by the NSA vs. the New Mexico covenant-breaker group "The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States of America Under the Hereditary Guardianship, Inc." for their use of Bahá'í names and titles. [about]
    7. Notes on Copyright, by Jonah Winters and Brett Zamir (1998). Notes about various copyright schemes followed by the Bahá'í Library Online, with links to the US Library of Congress' copyright information website. [about]
    8. United States National Spiritual Assembly vs. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab (1941). In 1941 the National Spiritual Assembly unsuccessfully sued Covenant Breaker Mirza Ahmad Sohrab for his use of the word "Bahá'í." This is the court's conclusions. [about]
    9. WIPO Domain Name Dispute: Case D2001-1302, "" (2001). A legal ruling finding, on behalf of the Bahá'ís, that unauthorized use of the domain is a trademark infringement. Followed by a newspaper article from Newsbytes, "Bahá'í Organization Bests Speculator In Domain Dispute." [about]
    10. WIPO Domain Name Dispute: Case D2005-0214, "" (2005-08-25). A legal ruling finding, against the Bahá'ís, that covenant breakers are allowed to use the domain [about]
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