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Search for tag "Dancing"

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  1. African Culture, Traditional, Aspects of, by Universal House of Justice (1998-12). Challenges and opportunities in the African continent; eliminating prejudices; dance and music; alcohol; hunting; initiation rites; the supernatural; tribal leadership; status of women. [about]
  2. Cultural Diversity in the Age of Maturity, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá, in Compilation of Compilations, Volume 3 (2000). [about]
  3. Dancing in the Haziratu'l-Quds, by Universal House of Justice (1987). Recreational dancing in a temple is not appropriate, but cultural and devotional dancing is acceptable. [about]
  4. Inebriation of His Enrapturing Call (mast-and bulbulán), The, by Julio Savi, in Lights of Irfan, 15 (2014). Translation of the early mystical Tablet "Nightingales Are Inebriated" and an analysis of its themes of ecstasy, Mount Sinai, eschatology, dhikr, sama, and fana`. [about]
  5. Music Lyrics, Singing, and Dancing at Feast, by Universal House of Justice (1994-03). Bahá'ís may incorporate music, singing, and dancing into the spiritual portions of the community devotional meetings. [about]
  6. Perfection and Refinement: Towards an Aesthetics of the Bab, by Moojan Momen, in Lights of Irfan, 12 (2011). The writings of the Bab have implications for the "plastic" arts; significance for native traditions; relevance to the performing arts; and the concept of refinement which comes across in both the person and the writings of the Báb. [about]
  7. Wildfire: Reflections on Music, Drama, and Dance, by Istvan Dely (2006). Istvan Dely's reflections on music, dance and drama within the Bahá'í community. [about]
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