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1917 9 Dec General Allenby entered Jerusalem. [AB425]
  • Major Wellesley Tudor Pole had risked court martial in alerting the British Cabinet of the danger to `Abdu'l-Bahá. [EJR169]
  • It was reported by British Intelligence that the Turkish Commander-in-Chief had the intention to "crucify 'Abdu'l-Bahá and His family on Mt. Carmel". [GPB306]
  • Jerusalem General Allenby; Wellesley Tudor Pole; Abdul-Baha, Life of; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline; Abdul-Baha, Death threats to
    1918 18 Sep Allenby began his last offensive against Haifa. [BBR335] Haifa General Allenby

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    1. Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East, by Kamran Ekbal (2014). Abdu'l-Bahá was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their militaries. In spite of the Bahá'í principle of abstaining from politics, exceptions can be made in the face of tyranny and injustice. [about]
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