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2022. 5 Jan The film, Glimpses of a Hundred Years of Endeavour, commissioned by the Universal House of Justice, was released on this day.

The film provided insight into a hundred years of endeavor and learning since the passing of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá in 1921, carried out by a burgeoning Bahá'í community, and outlined the journey that has led to the community's current efforts to contribute to the emergence of a world organized around the principle of the oneness of humanity.

The 66-minute film was made available in Arabic, English, French, Persian, Russian, Spanish, and Swahili. The original version with English subtitles was placed on YouTube. [BWNS1574]

BWC Glimpses of a Hundred Years of Endeavour (film); Film; Documentaries; Documentaries, BWC
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