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Search for tag "Governance"

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  1. Alain Locke: Bahá'í Principles and the Salvation of Democracy, by Christopher Buck (2007). Long presentation in slide format on the history and influence of Alain Locke. [about]
  2. Bahá'í Prayers for Good Governance, by Christopher Buck, in Journal of Ecumenical Studies, 56:4 (2021 Fall). Bahá’u’lláh encouraged Bahá’ís to pray for their rulers. This essay presents a newly authorized translation of "A Prayer for the confirmation of the American Government," and a provisional translation of a prayer of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá for the Ottoman Caliphate. [about]
  3. Bahá'u'lláh and Liberation Theology, by Juan Cole, in Revisioning the Sacred: New Perspectives on a Bahá'í Theology, Studies in the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions vol. 8 (1997). The idea of liberation and equality is central to Bahá'í theology; the poor in the 19th century Middle East; Bahá'u'lláh and the poor; Tablet to the Kings on wealth and peace; laws of the Kitáb-i-Aqdas and Huququ'lláh; state social welfare. [about]
  4. Contemporary Governance and Conflict Resolution: A Bahá'í Reading, by Graham Hassall (1999). The Bahá'í Writings provide the foundations for a "critique of modernity" at the same time that they suggest possible paths to the future, in particular in conflict resolution. [about]
  5. Governance and the Governed: Leadership, Conflict, Resilience, Resolution, and Hope, by John S. Hatcher, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 28:4 (2018). "From the Editor's Desk": If the purpose of governance and leadership is to respond to the needs of the governed, then what attributes and methodologies should characterize the process of those in positions of authority? [about]
  6. Just System of Government: The Third Dimension to World Peace, by John Huddleston, in The Bahá'í Faith and Marxism (1987). Highlights a few points in the Bahá'í approach to government and collective action. [about]
  7. Law and International Order: Proceedings of the First European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order: Review, by Joshua Lincoln, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 7 (1997-10). Review of conference proceedings, highlighting Bahá'í law, governance, human rights, and future perspectives. [about]
  8. Lessons in Leadership, by May Khadem, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 28:4 (2018). A personal journey of learning about leadership; widely shared false assumptions have led many off-course in addressing the challenges in the fight against blindness, and other public health concerns. [about]
  9. Power of Reflection, The: Advancing Governance and Dispute Resolution Systems through Devolved Reflection and Shared Knowledge Generation, by Shahla Ali, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 28:4 (2018). Reflection is the "source of crafts, sciences and arts," with the capacity to produce "pearls of wisdom and utterance as will promote the well-being and harmony of all the kindreds of the earth." It can improve institutions and community governance. [about]
  10. Precedentes de elementos de gobernanza en religiones: Aportaciones de la Fe bahá'í para la gobernanza futura, by Nobel Augusto Perdu Honeyman, in Journal of the Sociology and Theory of Religion, 13:1 (2022). Agunos apuntes sobre el papel desempeñado por algunas religiones del pasado en el desarrollo y consolidación de lo que ahora se conoce como obernanza; los conceptos de las enseñanzas de la Fe bahá’í que pudieran relacionarse con la gobernanza global. [about]
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