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2007 24 May The passing of Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi (b. 1914) in the United Kingdom. He was buried in New Southgate Cemetery.
  • pioneered to Afghanistan at the Guardian's behest,
  • served on the National Spiritual Assembly and the Auxiliary Board in the Cradle of the Faith,
  • served as the executive director of the Nonahalan Company, (A Bahá'í investment company in Iran)
  • among first appointed to institution of the Counsellors created by the Universal House of Justice in June 1968,
  • relocated to the United Kingdom in the early 1980s,
  • contributed greatly to the development of the Institution of Huququ'llah through his services as a Deputy. [UK BAHA'I NEWS EMAIL SERVICE message from the National Spiritual Assembly 24 May 2007]
  • Find a grave
  • United Kingdom; Afghanistan; Iran Hadi Rahmani-Shirazi; Nawnahalan Company; Counsellors; Huququllah; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Auxiliary Board Members
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