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1967 - 1977 From 1967 until 1976 the Harlem Preparatory School was the only high school in central Harlem. The community school, which was set up by a group of black ministers, Catholic nuns, and Bahá'ís, provided a means of education to a primarily African American clientele who were not well-accommodated in the regular system. Under the direction of Headmaster Howard Carpenter, himself an African American New Yorker, the school operated on funding from foundations, businesses and individuals. Those that contributed make a long list that cut across habitual racial and ideological lines. The school employed non-credentialed teachers and the only requirement for graduation was acceptance into a college or university. [From Nayriz to New York: Hussein Ahdieh and the Story of Harlem Prep by Sean Nevins]

Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman, two who served at the school in both a teaching and administrative capacity, have documented the decade of operation of the school with a website as well as a youtube video Harlem Prep Step by Step and a book A Way Out of No Way: Transforming Dropouts Into Scholars, 1967-1977.

  • See Mr. Ahdieh's dissertation Harlem Preparatory School: An Alternative, written some three years before the schools closing.
  • See as well The Story Of Harlem Prep: Cultivating A Community School In New York City by Barry M. Goldenberg.
  • New York; United States Harlem Preparatory school (Harlem Prep); Alternative schools; Education; Hussein Ahdieh; Hillary Chapman

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    1. Bahá'í History and Videos, by Hussein Ahdieh (2013-2022). Links to Zoom videos on a variety of topics: Kahlil Gibran, the life of Varqá, Bahá'í schools for girls and Tahirih's influence, martyrs in Nayriz, Abdu'l-Bahá in New York, and Harlem Prep School. [about]
    2. Foreigner: From an Iranian Village to New York City and the Lights That Led the Way, by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman (2019). Biography of a young boy in Nayriz, Iran in the mid 20th-century, his reflection on the sad society; his experience as a immigrant in the United States, struggle to make the American dream, and helped the innovative Harlem Prep, a Bahá'í inspired School. [about]
    3. From Nayriz to New York: Hussein Ahdieh and the Story of Harlem Prep, by Sean Nevins, in IranWire (2016-08-19). Brief overview of the history of the Harlem Prep School and bio of its founder. [about]
    4. Harlem Preparatory School: An Alternative, by Hussein Ahdieh (1974). Harlem Prep was one of the leading alternative schools in the country. This study (written 3 years before the school's closing) recounts its founding, and its financial and educational development. [about]
    5. Way Out of No Way, A: Harlem Prep: Transforming Dropouts into Scholars, 1967-1977, by Hussein Ahdieh and Hillary Chapman (2016). History of Harlem preparatory school, one of the earliest alternative schools in the country, as told by its former assistant headmaster. [about]
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