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1821 (In the year) `Abdu'lláh Páshá built the Mansion at Bahjí. [BBD5, 42] Akka Abdullah Pasha; House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Bahji
1870 (In the year) `Údí Khammár completed the restoration and expansion of the mansion at Bahjí originally built by `Abdu'lláh Páshá in 1821. [BBD42, 128; DH106-107]
  • See DH107 for the inscription he places over the door.
  • Akka Udi Khammar; Abdullah Pasha; Bahji; Inscriptions; House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Restoration
    1871 mid-year `Údí Khammár, a wealthy Maronite Christian merchant, and his family moved into the recently restored mansion at Bahjí, leaving their `Akká house empty. [BKG316–17; DH203] Akka Udi Khammar; Bahji; House of Udi Khammar; House of Bahaullah (Bahji)
    1879. Summer An epidemic of plague broke out in `Akká and environs. Among others who felt its effects were `Údí Khammár and his family who left the mansion at Bahjí. [BBD42, 128; BKG362; DH91, 203; GPB194] Akka Udi Khammar; Bahji; House of Bahaullah (Bahji)
    1879 Sep Bahá'u'lláh moved to the empty mansion at Bahjí after two years' residence at Mazra`ih. [BBD42; BKG362]

    Note: The date of Bahá'u'lláh's first arrival at the Mansion of Bahji is given as September 1879 in Bahá'u'lláh: The King of Glory, p. 362. However, in a Tablet dated 11 Rabí`u'l-Avval 1298 A.H. [11 February 1881], Bahá'u'lláh tells Núri'd- Dín that it had been only a month since He arrived at the Mansion; see Núri'd- Dín's Collection, p. 43. [Memories of the Báb, Bahá'u'lláh and `Abdu'l-Bahá by Mírzá Habíbu'lláh Afnán p32]

  • Mírzá Muhammad-'Alí, Mírzá Badí'u'lláh, Zia'u'llah (Mírzá Díyá'u'lláh) and their mother Mahd-i-'Ulyá along with Gawhar and her daughter, Furúghíyyih Khánum, stayed at Bahji with Bahá'u'lláh. 'Abdu'l-Bahá and His mother, Khadíjih Khánum, and His sister, Bahíyyih Khánum as well as and His own family continued to live in 'Akká.
  • See BBD42 and GPB216 for a list of Tablets revealed by Bahá'u'lláh during His occupation of the mansion of Bahjí.
  • Mazraih; Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Bahaullah, Houses of; Bahaullah, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens; World Centre
    1892. 8 May Bahá'u'lláh contracted a slight fever. [GPB221]
  • See RB4:414–17 for the progress of this illness.
  • Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Bahaullah, Life of; Bahaullah, Ascension of
    1892. c. 24 May Bahá'u'lláh called all the believers and many pilgrims to His bedside for their last audience with Him. [GPB222] Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Bahaullah, Ascension of; Pilgrims
    1929 27 Nov The Mansion at Bahjí was evacuated by the Covenant-breakers after the occupation by Muhammad-Alí and his relatives for about 40 years. [DH116; GPB355–6; PP231-232, SETPE1p174]
  • During this time they showed no respect for the Holy Site; a blacksmith shop was set up near the entrance to the Shrine. [SE125]
  • For details of how the building was left see GBP356.
  • For pictures of its neglected state see DH116.
  • Covenant-breakers continued to occupy the adjacent house until June 1957. [PP233]
  • See SE126 for Shoghi Effendi's plan for a Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh.
  • See SoW Vol 20 no 4 July 1929 p122 for an account of the observations of Miss Isabel Rives who visited the area at this time.
  • Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Covenant-breakers; Bahji; Bahaullah, Shrine of
    1931 Mar Marion Jack painted a view from the Mansion at Bahjí. The painting was eventually hung in the Mansion. [CT174] Bahji Marion Jack; House of Bahaullah (Bahji)
    1932 Apr Pilgrims were able to stay overnight at Bahjí for the first time. [GBF101; PP232] Bahji House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Pilgrims
    1948 (In the year) The owners of a house near the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh fled and the house became government property. [DH226]
  • Shoghi Effendi restored the house and made it a pilgrim house. [DH226]
  • He acquired the title in about 1956 as part of the exchange of the Ein Gev properties. [DH226]
  • See The Limited Times 11Nov22 for a history of the Ein Gev properties.
  • Bahji Bahaullah, Shrine of; House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Pilgrim Houses; Pilgrim house, Bahji; Restoration
    1952 18 May The case brought against Shoghi Effendi by the Covenant-breakers in connection with the demolition of a house adjoining the Shrine and Mansion of Bahá'u'lláh at Bahjí was removed from the civil courts by the government of Israel. [CB330; GBF138–9; PP233–4, 290]
  • For the history of this case and the outcome see BW12:384–7.
  • Haifa; Bahji Bahaullah, Shrine of; House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Court cases; Covenant-breakers
    2008 12 May After several years of negotiations, agreement was reached with the Israeli government for the acquisition of a rectangular plot of land 90,000 square metres in area, located between Bahjí and the main road. This land was being used by the government. This acquisition opened the way to further beautification of the environs of the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, the Qiblih of the people of Bahá, described by ‘Abdu'l-Bahá as the "luminous Shrine" and "the place around which circumambulate the Concourse on high".
  • The property in the possession of the Faith had been further augmented by the conclusion, after negotiations which extended over some twenty years, of a land exchange with the Israel Land Administration, by which a portion of the land bequeathed to the Faith in the Ein Sara neighbourhood of Nahariya, north of ‘Akká, had been exchanged for an additional 100,000 square metres to the east of the Mansion of Bahjí, an area of about 32,000 square metres adjoining the island at the Riḍván Garden and the caravanserai adjacent to the Mansion of Mazra‘ih. They reported that discussions were continuing with the authorities for a further exchange, using more of the Ein Sara land to acquire additional property in close proximity to the Bahá'í Holy Places in the ‘Akká area required to protect the sanctity and tranquillity of these places in the face of the rapid urbanization of the region.
  • It was also announced that work had been completed on the restoration of the Junayn Gardens, a small farmhouse and orchard north of Bahjí visited occasionally by Bahá'u'lláh, which was subsequently donated to the Faith. [Message from the Universal House of Justice dated 12 May, 2008]
  • Haifa; BWC; Ein Sara; Nahariya; Akka; Mazraih; Bahji; Israel Junayn Gardens; Bahaullah, Shrine of; House of Bahaullah (Mazraih); House of Bahaullah (Bahji); Ridvan Garden; Purchases and exchanges; Caravanserai (caravansary); Restoration; World Centre; - Bahai World Centre buildings, monuments and gardens

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    1. Light of the World: Selected Tablets of 'Abdu'l-Bahá, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). Tablets of ‘Abdul-Bahá describing aspects of the life of Bahá’u’lláh including the tribulations He suffered, events in His homeland, the purpose and greatness of His Cause, and the nature and significance of His Covenant. [about]
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