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1911 5 Sep ‘Abdu'l-Bahá was interviewed by the editor of The Christian Commonwealth, Mr Albert Dawson, and later met with the Rev R. J. Campbell. The Christian Commonwealth was a weekly newspaper. On 13 September it printed, on its front cover, an article which included the interview between ‘Abdu'l-Bahá and Rev R. J. Campbell that had taken place on 5 September. The following week the front cover had another article, entitled ‘The Vanishing of the Veil', about ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to St John's, Westminster. Other issues also had substantial articles about His visits. [In the Footsteps of the Master p.7] London; United Kingdom Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, First Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Interviews; Newspaper articles

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  1. 'Abdu'l-Bahá on Christ and Christianity: An interview with Pasteur Monnier on the relationship between the Bahá'í Faith and Christianity, Paris, by Abdu'l-Bahá, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 3:1 (1993-12). Revised translation of an interview with Pasteur Monnier, from chapter 5 of 'Abdu'l-Bahá on Divine Philosophy. [about]
  2. Bahá'ísm hopes to unite the world and religious conflicts: An interview with Hutan Hejazi Martinez, by Linn Andersson, in Observatorio para las Relaciones Internacionales (2012-05-10). An outsider's view of Bahá'í history and ideology (doxa). [about]
  3. Book of Certitude, The: An Interview with Hooper Dunbar, by Hooper Dunbar (1998(?)). Significance and themes of the Kitáb-i-Íqán; its Islamic context; meaning of "certitude"; the importance of deepening and knowledge of the Writings. [about]
  4. Excerpt from an interview with Raúl Pavón, by Kurt Hein, in Radio Bahá'í Ecuador: A Bahá'í Development Project (1988). Excerpt from an interview with Kurt Hein, 5 January 1982, Otavalo, Ecuador. [about]
  5. Faith and Works: Maoris and the Baha'i Faith (1995-05). The transcript of an interview with two New Zealand Bahá'ís, Huti Toataua and Hedi Moani, aired by the New Zealand National Radio show "Faith and Works" (May, 1995) on "the growing relationship between the Maori community and the Bahá'í Faith." [about]
  6. Gardeners of God: An Encounter with Five Million Bahá'ís, by Colette Gouvion and Philippe Jouvion: Review, by Marc Foxhall (1998). [about]
  7. Interview of Sachiro Fujita, by Sylvia Ioas (1975). Interview of Fugita-san by Sylvia Ioas during John McHenry's pilgrimage in December, 1975 at McHenry's request. [about]
  8. Interview with A.L.M. Nicolas of Paris: Translator of many important works of the Báb, by Edith Sanderson, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 8 (1938-1940) (1942). Nicolas' life, his encounter with the Bábí movement, his motivations and translation efforts. [about]
  9. Interview with Lilian Crawford on the Knighthood of Abdu'l-Baha, in New Era (date?). Interview with Lilian Crawford, a pilgrim to Haifa in 1919 who witnessed the ceremony of the knighthood of Abdu'l-Bahá, published in New Era, short-lived Bahá'í newsletter from Edinburgh; photo of the ceremony and identification of some attendees. [about]
  10. Memories: Bill Sears interviews Mrs. True, by William Sears and Corinne True (1951). Stories starting from 1907 in Haifa. [about]
  11. My Interview with Laura Dreyfus-Barney, by Jack McLean (2007). Brief interview with the compiler of Some Answered Questions, conducted in Paris in 1967. [about]
  12. Place of Poetry in Religion and Society, The: An Interview of Robert E. Hayden with Douglas Ruhe, by Robert E. Hayden and Douglas Ruhe, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 24:3-4 (2014). Introduction by Hatcher to the life of Hayden (2014); transcript of a talk between Hayden and Douglas Ruhe in 1975 on the future of poetry, transcendence, American destiny, important American poets, the Library of Congress, and Bahá'í spirituality. [about]
  13. Reflections on the Art of My Poetry: An Interview of Roger White (1929-1993), in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 26:1-2 (2016). A glimpse into the mind of a gifted poet and the struggles that he, like many Bahá'í artists, encountered in responding to Bahá'u'lláh's exhortation that art best serves humanity when it elevates and edifies the soul and its spiritual receptivity. [about]
  14. Unity of Humanity, The: An Interview with Professor Todd Lawson, by David Hornsby and Jane Clark, in Beshara Magazine, issue (2016). Biography of Lawson and his personal interests in the Qur'an and the Bahá'í Faith, discussion of contemporary Western approaches to Islam, and commentary on current world affairs and hope for the future. (Brief excerpt, with link to article offsite.) [about]
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