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1993 6 Jan The passing of John Birks "Dizzy" Gillespie (b. 21 October 1917, Cheraw, South Carolina). He was buried next to his mother in Flushing Cemetery, New York. [VV141]
  • His autobiography was entitled "To Be, or Bop".
  • He had become a Bahá'í in 1968 at the age of 51.
  • See Bahá'í World 1994-95 pg251 for an article by Anne Boyles entitled "The Language of the Heart: Arts in the Bahá'í World Community" for mention of Dizzy Gillespie.
  • Find a grave
  • Englewood; New Jersey; United States Dizzy Gillespie; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Jazz music; Famous Bahais
    2020. 23 Mar The passing of prominent jazz musician Mike Longo. He had a distinguished jazz career as a pianist, composer, and educator, notably as longtime musical director for fellow Bahá'í Dizzy Gillespie. He died at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City. The cause of death was COVID-19. [Live Stream WBGO 23 March 2020] New York; United States Mike Longo; In Memoriam; Births and deaths; Jazz music; Famous Bahais

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    1. Gillespie, Dizzy, by Barry Kernfeld, in American National Biography Online (2000). Gillespie (1917-1993) was an American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer; his acceptance of the Bahá'í Faith is briefly mentioned.  [about]
    2. Groovin' High: The Life of Dizzy Gillespie, by Alyn Shipton (2001). Roughly 2-3 page excerpt from book. [about]
    3. Groovin' High: The Life of Dizzy Gillespie, by Alyn Shipton: Review, by Brad Pokorny, in One Country, 11:2 (1999-07). [about]
    4. Hearing "The Divinity in the Music": Dizzy Gillespie Remembered at 100, by Bahá'í World News Service, in Bahá'í World (2017-10-06). Reflections on the life of Gillespie and how his Baha’i beliefs seemed to inspire and drive his work. Includes photographs. [about]
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