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1898 Oct Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany visited Haifa where the Templer colony numbered about 700 souls. His ship docked at what is now Ben Gurion Avenue. (The modern port built during the British Mandate period reclaimed much land altering the shoreline of Haifa beyond recognition and depriving the German colony of direct access to the sea. The Kaiser's visit was the apex of the history of the colony and would be commemorated with a stone marker that today sits just above the entrance at the top of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Báb.) He, however, chose not to go to Akka where 'Abdu'l-Bahá lived and He did not go to see the Kaiser because he "was proud He was the embodiment of pride." [VAB8; LWS10, 288n20] Haifa Templer colony; Kaiser Wilhelm II
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