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2018. 6 Sep The passing of Lily Ayman (b. 17 May 1929 in Tehran) in Chicago. She was buried in the Oakwood cemetery near the resting place of Hand of the Cause Corrine True. She was a prominent Iranian educationalist who later became a Bahá'í in 1975 and left Iran with her family after the Revolution and finally settled in the USA where she become actively involved in various Bahá'í educational projects. See her "In Memoriam" published in Lights of Irfan, 20, 2019 p. 264-269.

She was considered the "Mother of Persian Textbooks" [Iran Wire 10 April 2013]

  • Listen to the audio story The threat of being executed seven times and other stories on the Northwestern University website.
  • Tehran; Iran; Chicago; USA In Memoriam; Lily Ayman
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