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2.   from the Chronology (19 results; expand)

  1. 1911-04-09 — Louis Gregory visited Ramleh where 'Abdu'l-Baha was staying in preparation for His first visit to Eu...
  2. 1912-03-25 — `Abdu'l-Baha's second Western tour 'Abdul'-Baha and His party embarked from Alexandria on the Whi...
  3. 1912-04-28 — `Abdu'l-Baha gave private interviews in the morning then called on the Turkish Ambassador, Diya Pash...
  4. 1912-08-04 — 'Abdu'l-Baha spoke to a group of 28 black people on the importance of unity and friendship between t
  5. 1912-09-22 — The marriage of Louis G. Gregory and Louisa ("Louise") A. M. Mathew, the first interracial Baha'i co...
  6. 1922-10-30 — Louise Gregory landed in Liverpool from New York on board the Cunard vessel, the RMS Ausonia and vis...
  7. 1924-07-03 — Louise Gregory embarked from Boston to Liverpool on the SS Winifredian of the Leyland Line. She spen...
  8. 1925-04-00 — Louise Gregory travelled from Luxembourg to Vienna where she met William Herrigel. She accompanied h...
  9. 1925-05-00 — Louise Gregory travelled from Graz, Austria to Budapest where she met Frau Szirmai, the president of...
  10. 1926-01-28 — One again Louise Gregory embarked from Boston to Liverpool on the SS Winifredian of the Leyland Line...
  11. 1928-03-15 — In early Spring Louise Gregory sailed for Dresden, Germany where she spent 11 days renewing old acqu...
  12. 1930-11-00 — Louise Gregory sailed on the SS Sinaia</I> from Providence, Rhode Island with a destination of...
  13. 1931-10-00 — Notwithstanding the fact that her visa had not been renewed the previous year, Louise Gregory return...
  14. 1932-04-00 — Louise Gregory left Varna in the early Spring to go first to Prague Brno and, then to Budapest. She ...
  15. 1933-09-13 — Louise Gregory sailed from Boston to Europe on the SS Sinai. She spent some time in Salzburg and met...
  16. 1934-03-14 — Louise Gregory arrived in Belgrade to join Martha Root in the teaching work. Their overlap lasted un...
  17. 1935-09-30 — Louise Gregory returned to Europe for her last teaching trip on that continent. Over the Christmas ...
  18. 1937-01-14 — Louis and Louise Gregory sailed to Haiti with the assignment to introduce the Faith to prominent Hai...
  19. 1956-05-20 — Louisa Mathew Gregory, (b. 1 February 1866 in Penge, Kent, England) whose wedding to Hand of the Cau...
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