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1944 (In the Year) The publication of The Divine Art of Living: Selections from the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh, the Báb, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá by the Chicago Publishing Committee. It was compiled by Mabel Hyde Paine. The book saw four revisions and up until 2006 and is still being reprinted. [Collins4.114 - 4.117]
  • In 1977 the study guide, Seven Round Table Discussions Based on The Divine Art of Living by Marian Crist Lippitt was published by the Bahá'í Publishing Trust in Wilmette, IL. [Collins7.1407 - 7.1410]
  • The book was transcribed by Mary Francis Baral and published by the Bahá'í Service for the Blind in Los Angeles in 1962. [Collins8.55]
  • The title was borrowed from a previous compilation by Mary M. Rabb that appeared in the Star of the West and then published bound in leather. It was also serialized in World Order in the early 1940's.
  • Chichago, IL Divine Art of Living (book); Mabel Hyde Paine; Marian Crist Lippitt; Mary Francis Baral
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