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1961 Jan - Feb Hand of the Cause of God Dr Rahmatu'lláh Muhájir traveled to India and demonstrated the principle of mass teaching. [DM172–84; SBBH2:165–7]
  • Mass teaching began in the rural area of Madhya Pradesh among the Hindu population. In 1961 there were 850 Bahá'ís; in 1963 87,000; by 1973 nearly 400,000; and by 1987 about two million. In 1983 45 per cent of all local spiritual assemblies were in India. [BBRSM195; BW13:299]
  • Madhya Pradesh; India Hands of the Cause; Hands of the Cause, Activities; Rahmatullah Muhajir; Mass conversion; Mass teaching; Teaching; LSA; Statistics; Growth
    1961 8 Jul The Custodians announced that mass conversion had begun in Ceylon, Central and East Africa, and Bolivia, while in Canada native peoples had begun to enter the Faith. [MoC293] Sri Lanka; Africa; Bolivia; Canada Custodians; Mass conversion; Native Americans; First Nations
    1962 (In the year) Thirty thousand new Bahá'ís enrolled in India in six months. [VV9] India Mass conversion
    1968 (In the year) Over a thousand new believers enrolled in Ethiopia. [BW15:186] Ethiopia Mass conversion
    1970 - early 1971 Over 20,000 Afro-Americans from the rural areas of the south-eastern United States became Bahá'ís. [BBRSM187] United States Mass conversion
    1970 Apr - Aug More than 6,000 people became Bahá'ís in Bolivia. [BW15:232] Bolivia Mass conversion
    1970 May One thousand Guajiro Indians became Bahá'ís in Venezuela. [BW15:241] Venezuela Native Americans; Mass conversion
    1971 (In the year) Over 500 people became Bahá'ís in Bangladesh. [BINS86] Bangladesh Mass conversion
    1971 27 – 30 Aug The first Bahá'í Youth Conference for Western Asia took place in New Delhi. [BW15:335]
  • Two thousand people enrolled during the conference and the week following. [BW15:335]
  • New Delhi; India; Asia Conferences, Bahai; Conferences, Youth; Youth; First conferences; Mass conversion
    1988 Jun Over 100,000 people, including large numbers of women, youth and families, became Bahá'ís in Uttar Pradesh, India. [BINS179:4] Uttar Pradesh; India Mass conversion
    1988 Jul In 18 days of teaching, 876 adults, youth and children became Bahá'ís in Haiti. [BINS181:7]
  • Reports from the National Spiritual Assembly in September indicated that 2,371 people enrolled in the first phase of the teaching campaign.
  • Haiti Mass conversion
    1988 Sep A teaching project in Maddhya Pradesh, India, enrolled 20,000 new Bahá'ís in Morena District. [BINS185:4] Madhya Pradesh; India Mass conversion
    1988 Oct In the State of Orissa, India, 2,600 people became Bahá'ís and 16 new local spiritual assemblies were formed in 15 days. Orissa; India Mass conversion; LSA
    1988 Oct One hundred and twenty people in Hong Kong and 280 in Macau become Bahá'ís as a result of teaching institutes. [BINS189:8]
  • A later report stated that more than 600 people in Macau had become Bahá'ís. [BINS194:3]
  • Hong Kong; Macau Teaching Institutes; Mass conversion
    1988 Nov More than 2,500 people enrolled in Bangladesh. [BINS190:5]
  • A later report indicated that over 5,000 people had become Bahá'ís and 108 new local spiritual assemblies formed. [BINS192:1]
  • Bangladesh Mass conversion; LSA
    1988 Nov - Dec One thousand one hundred people became Bahá'ís in the State of Gujarat, India. [BINS190:5] Gujarat; India Mass conversion
    1988 Nov - Dec Six hundred people became Bahá'ís in West Bengal and 5,150 in Orissa, India. [BINS189:4–5] West Bengal; Orissa; India Mass conversion
    1988 26 Nov - 4 Dec Over a thousand people became Bahá'ís in Bolivia during a teaching project. [BINS189:2]
  • A later report indicated that over 2,000 people had become Bahá'ís. [BINS195:1]
  • Bolivia Mass conversion
    1988 Nov - 1989 Feb Teaching projects were launched in the Philippines, resulting in 3,847 people becoming Bahá'ís. [BINS195:4] Philippines Mass conversion
    1988 4 Dec A two-week teaching project was launched, resulting in 414 people becoming Bahá'ís, including ten chiefs. [BINS192:4] Mass conversion
    1989 (In the year) More than 250 people became Bahá'ís in Zambia in the first three months of the year. [BINS201:6] Zambia Mass conversion
    1989 (In the year) During a three-week teaching effort on the island of Tobago, 450 people became Bahá'ís. [BINS201:7] Trinidad and Tobago Teaching; mass conversion
    1989 May Nearly 880 people became Bahá'ís in Guyana. [BINS202:8] Guyana mass conversion
    1989 May The Olinga Teaching Project was launched in Fiji, resulting in over a thousand people becoming Bahá'ís. [BINS204:3] Fiji mass conversion
    1989 Aug Forty Bahá'ís from Réunion, Mauritius, Seychelles and France joined a teaching campaign in Madagascar during which 724 people become Bahá'ís. [BINS217:4] Madagascar mass conversion
    1989 Oct - Nov In India, 4,300 people became Bahá'ís in the State of Orissa. [BINS213:3] Orissa; India Mass conversion
    1989 Oct The National Spiritual Assembly of Bangladesh reported the enrolment of 7,500 people in the year since November 1988. [BINS210:1] Bangladesh mass conversion
    1990 (In the year) The Purest Branch Project in Belize resulted in over a thousand people becoming Bahá'ís from the Garifuna population around Dangriga. Belize; Dangriga Teaching campaigns; mass conversion Find ref
    1990. Ridván Over the last two years, almost one million souls entered the Cause. The increasing instances of entry by troops in different places contributed to that growth, drawing attention to Shoghi Effendi's vision which shapes our perception of glorious future possibilities in the teaching field. For he has asserted that the process of "entry by troops of peoples of divers nations and races into the Bahá'í world … will be the prelude to that long-awaited hour when a mass conversion on the part of these same nations and races, and as a direct result of a chain of events, momentous and possibly catastrophic in nature, and which cannot as yet be even dimly visualized, will suddenly revolutionize the fortunes of the Faith, derange the equilibrium of the world, and reinforce a thousandfold the numerical strength as well as the material power and the spiritual authority of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh." [Ridván 1990] Over the last two years, almost one million souls entered the Cause. The increasing instances of entry by troops in different places contributed to that growth, drawing attention to Shoghi Effendi's vision which shapes our perception of glorious future possibilities in the teaching field. For he has asserted that the process of "entry by troops of peoples of divers nations and races into the Bahá'í world … will be the prelude to that long-awaited hour when a mass conversion on the part of these same nations and races, and as a direct result of a chain of events, momentous and possibly catastrophic in nature, and which cannot as yet be even dimly visualized, will suddenly revolutionize the fortunes of the Faith, derange the equilibrium of the world, and reinforce a thousandfold the numerical strength as well as the material power and the spiritual authority of the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh." We have every encouragement to believe that large-scale enrollments will expand, involving village after village, town after town, from one country to another. However, it is not for us to wait passively for the ultimate fulfillment of Shoghi Effendi's vision. We few, placing our whole trust in the providence of God and regarding as a divine privilege the challenges which face us, must proceed to victory with the plans in hand. (Riḍván 1990 – To the Bahá'ís of the World) Entry by troops; Mass conversion; Statistics
    1993 (In the year) More than 10,000 people became Bahá'ís in Bangladesh. [BINS318:8; BINS319:1] Bangladesh Mass conversion
    1995 Aug More than 7,000 people became Bahá'ís in Haiti in two weeks. [BINS348:3] Haiti Mass conversion

    from the main catalogue

    1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive (1970-1995). Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995. [about]
    2. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (1996). [about]
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