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from the chronology of Canada

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1967. 19 Nov The dedication of the Bahá'í Institute at Ft. Qu'Appelle by Hand of the Cause Tarazu'llah Samandari during a four-day visit to Saskatchewan by him and his son. In honour of the event hand-lettered scroll was made by Barb Wild with the signature of Tarazu'llah Samandari and Mr Samandari penned a rendition of the Greatest Name.
  • The facility was two years in the making and was the only Institue of its kind in North America at the time. Its purpose was to become the focus for the teaching of First Nations people. The chalet-type building could accommodate 20 overnight guests on two stories. It had a large assembly hall, a library, a fully-equipped kitchen. [CBN No218 April 1968 p1]
  • The dedication was also attended by the Mozart Group. [Facebook posting]
  • Fort QuAppelle, SK Tarazullah Samandari; Institute; Mozart Group
    1972 Jan Jalál was founded by three members of the Mozart Group, Larry Brown, Rodney Konopaki, and Garry Brown, and then joined by keyboardist Jack Lenz in July of the same year. After having toured across Canada for nine months and the group eventually settled in Toronto. [Facebook posting THE SPARK: 1967 - 1973 9 FEBRUARY 2020] Saskatoon, SK; Toronto, ON Jalal; Mozart Group; Larry Brown; Rodney Konopaki; Garry Brown; Jack Lenz
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