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Search for tag "National Spiritual Assembly, By-election"

from the chronology of Canada

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1954 Jan It was announced that Angus Cowan had been chosen in a by-election to replace John Robarts on the National Spiritual Assembly. [CBN No 49 January 1954 p3] Toronto, ON Angus Cowan; John Robarts; National Spiritual Assembly, By-election; National Spiritual Assembly, election of
1954 (Early in the year) A by-election was held to replace National Spiritual Assembly members John Robarts, Rosemary Sala and Emeric Sala who had planned on leaving Canada for the Comoro Islands. The new members selected were: Angus Cowan, Peggy Ross and Alan Raynor. Rowland Estall was elected a chairman of the Assembly and Winnifred Harvey was elected to serve as vice-chair. [CBN No 50 March 1954 p2] Toronto, ON National Spiritual Assembly, election of; Angus Cowan; Peggy Ross; Alan Raynor; Rowland Estall; Winnifred Harvey; National Spiritual Assembly, By-election
1968 17 Sep The National Spiritual Assembly announced the result of the by-election held to elect a replacement for Lloyd Gardner, whose appointment to the North American Board of Counsellors made him ineligible for membership on national or local administrative bodies. The new member, elected by postal ballot, by the delegates to our last National Convention, was Mr. Ed Muttart of Fort Qu'Appelle, Saskatchewan. [CBN No 223 September-October 1968 p10] Fort QuAppelle, SK National Convention; National Spiritual Assembly, election of; Ed Muttart; National Spiritual Assembly, By-election
2018. 15 Aug Mr. Enayat Rawhani asked to be permitted to relinquish his membership on the National Assembly. He had sought and received guidance from the Universal House of Justice, consequently a bi-election was held to fill the vacancy and Mr. Zelalem Bimrew Kasse was elected. [Message from the National Spiritual Assembly dated the 16th of August, 2018] Toronto, ON National Spiritual Assembly, By-election; Zelalem Bimrew Kasse; Enayat Rawhani
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