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1982 19 – 20 Jun The teaching project Camino Del Sol (Trail of Light), comprising indigenous believers from North America, was formed on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona, United States. [BW18:239]
  • The team traveled through Central and South America in a programme of cultural exchange. [BW18:172]
  • For a report of the project and pictures see BW18:239–45 and BW19:74–6.
  • Arizona; United States Indigenous people; Native Americans; Navajo (Dine)

    from the main catalogue

    1. Comparative of Dynamics in Navajo Ceremonial and the Bahá'í World Faith, A, by Anonymous (n.d.). Short summary of religious practices, chants, and dances of the Navajo and the Pueblo peoples. [about]
    2. Diné Becoming Baha'i: Through the Lens of Ancient Prophecies, by Linda S. Covey (2011-05). Some Diné (Navajo) convert to the Bahá'í Faith because it fulfills their ancient prophecies, its institutions provide autonomy and empower the Diné people, and Bahá'í values of cultural diversity allow Diné to practice their traditional ways. [about]
    3. Navajo Tradition, The: Transition to the Bahá'í Faith, by Linda S. Covey, in Images, imaginations, and beyond: proceedings of the 8th Native American Symposium, November 2009, ed. Mark B. Spencer (2010). Examines three reasons behind the conversion of some Navajo to Bahá'í in the early 1960s: fulfillment of prophecy, cultural empowerment and autonomy, and protection of traditional practices. [about]
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