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from the chronology

date event locations tags see also
1845. 1 Nov The Times of London carried an item on the arrest and torture of Quddús, Mullá Sádiq-i-Khurásání, Mullá `Alí-Akbar-i-Ardistání and Mullá Abú-Tálib in Shíráz in June. This was the first known printed reference to the Revelation in the Western press. A similar article was reprinted on 19 November. [First newspaper story of the events of the Bábí Faith compiled by Steven Kolins; B76–7; BBR4, 69]
  • See In was in the news.... In this blog by SMK, he has provided an extensive list of English newspaper articles on the persecution of the Báb and the Bábís in 1845 and 1846.
  • Shiraz; Iran; London; United Kingdom Quddus; Ismullahul-Asdaq (Mulla Sadiq Khurasani); Mulla Ali-Akbar-i-Ardistani; Mulla Abu-Talib; Times (newspaper); Newspaper articles; Firsts, Other; Mentions; First mentions; Babism, Early Western Accounts of First newspaper story of the events of the Bábí Faith
    1852. 26 Aug An account of the punishment meted out to those who participated in the attempt on the life of the Sháh and those who happened to be followers of the Báb, was published in the Vaqayi-yi Ittifáqíyyih, a Tihran newspaper. In addition, the newspaper reported that Mírzá Husayn 'Ali-i Nuri (Bahá'u'lláh) and five others who did not participated were sentenced to life imprisonment by the Sháh.
  • See Bahá'u'lláh's Prison Sentence: The Official Account translated by Kazem Kazemzadeh and Firuz Kazemzadeh with an introduction by Firuz Kazemzadeh published in World Order Vol 13 Issue 2 Winter 1978-1979 page 11.
  • Tihran; Iran Nasirid-Din Shah, Attempt on; Persecution; Persecution, Iran; Newspaper articles; Bahaullah, Life of
    1852 27 Oct The Bábí Faith was first mentioned in the 27 October 1852 volume of Magyar Hírlap (The Hungarian Newspaper), under the title „Persia műveltségi történetéhez" ("To the History of Education in Persia") where Captain Von Goumoens, a captain of the Austrian army based in Tehran reported on the terrible events related to the persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran.[; SUR77; GPB66] Budapest; Hungary Newspaper articles; Mentions; First mentions
    1883. June 21 The name Thornton Chase appeared in newspaper coverage of a poem printed in The Grand Army Magazine, June 1883, "Lo! the Ranks are Thinned and Thinning" United States Thornton Chase; Newspaper articles Thornton Chase in the newspapers
    1891 after 19 May Bahá'u'lláh revealed the Lawh-i-Times, Tablet to the Times in which He recounted the circumstances of the martyrdoms in Yazd. [RB4:348–50, BW18p976-7] Akka; London; United Kingdom; Yazd; Iran Bahji; Times (newspaper); Newspapers; Press (media); Media; Lawh-i-Times (Tablet to the Times); Bahaullah, Writings of; Bahaullah, Life of; Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution; Seven martyrs of Yazd; Seven martyrs; Yazd upheaval; Bahaullah, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1908 Sep
    (New York) Bahá'í Bulletin Published September, 1908 to May 1909 (5 issues)
    Link (Will open in this window)
                  URL   (For cut 'n' paste)      
    Volume 1, Issues 1
    September 1908
    Volume 1, Issues 2 and 3
    October 1908
    Volume 1, Issue 4
    December 1908
    Volume 1, Issue 5
    January-February-March 1909
    Volume 1, Issue 6
    April-May 1909

    The Bahá'í Bulletin was succeeded a year later by the Bahá'í News which subsequently became Star of the West a year after that. [BWNS1289] See 1910 21 March
    New York; United States Bahai Bulletin; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1910 21 Mar The first issue of the Bahá'í News was published in Chicago. [BFA2:XVII; BW10:179; BWNS1289]
  • See BFA2:320–2, BW8:927 and SBBH1:116–17 for the magazine's development.
  • It was the first Bahá'í magazine published in the West. [BBD2 14]
  • Star of the West was published as Bahá'í News (Volume 1, Issues 1-19 from 21 March, 1910 until 2 March, 1911) and later under Star of the West /The Bahá'í Magazine (Volume 2 to Volume 25, 21 March, 1911 until 25 March,1935).
  • Its editors were Albert Windust and Gertrude Buikema. Others involved with its publication over its history were Albert and Emily Vail, Dr. Zia Baghdadi, Ahmad Sohrab, Edna M. True; with Horace Holley and Stanwood Cobb being singled out as early contributors. [Duane Troxel]
    Star of the West Published March 1910 to April 1935
              URL   (For cut 'n' paste)  
             Volume # / Dates (links)   
    Vol 1 (Mar 1910) - Vol 10 (Mar 1920)
    Vol 11 (Mar 1920) - Vol 20 (Mar 1930)
    Vol 21 (Apr 1930) - Vol 25 (Apr 1935)

    For an access to the Star of the West archives see This site is not searchable.

  • Chicago; United States Star of the West; Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1911 5 Sep ‘Abdu'l-Bahá was interviewed by the editor of The Christian Commonwealth, Mr Albert Dawson, and later met with the Rev R. J. Campbell. The Christian Commonwealth was a weekly newspaper. On 13 September it printed, on its front cover, an article which included the interview between ‘Abdu'l-Bahá and Rev R. J. Campbell that had taken place on 5 September. The following week the front cover had another article, entitled ‘The Vanishing of the Veil', about ‘Abdu'l-Bahá's visit to St John's, Westminster. Other issues also had substantial articles about His visits. [In the Footsteps of the Master p.7] London; United Kingdom Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, First Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Interviews; Newspaper articles
    1921 - 1980 The Bahá'í community of Iran began publishing a monthly magazine called Aḵbār-e amrī, a publication whose name means "News of the Cause". Containing the holy writings of the Bahá'í faith, domestic and foreign Bahá'í news, official announcements of Bahá'í administrative bodies, and articles on various aspects of the Faith, the magazine became a vital means of communication and a register of the main historical events for six decades until its closing in 1980. It was published by "Lajnih-yi Nashr-i Nafahát" (Committee for the Diffusion of the Divine Fragrances) until 1978 and then by Mahfil-i Ruhání-yi Millí-yi Baháiyán-i Írán (National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Iran) [BAHAISM v. The Bahai Community in Iran by V. Rafati; BWNS1289]
  • Scanned copies from B.E. 102 to B.E. 111 and B.E. 116 were taken from bound copies of the journal originally owned by Mr Hormuzdiar Sabet and contain his annotations, frequently noting the original English text that has been translated in the journal.
  • Iran Akhbar-i-Amri (News of the Cause); - Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1921 (In the year) A journal called Bahá'í News started publishing in English and Persian. [BWNS1289] India Bahai News; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1921. Jan - mid Mar Shoghi Effendi at Oxford - The Hilary Term 1921
  • Permission was issued by the Non-Collegiate Delegacy for the migration of Shoghi Effendi into Balliol. He now had the privilege of living in the college and fully participating in college life. [PG161]
  • Shoghi Effendi continued his translation work while at Oxford. During the second term (Jan - Easter or, more formally Hilary term — 1 Sunday to 9 Sundays after the feast day of St Hilary). Some examples are: Persian Hidden Words, the Tablet of Visitation, Arabic Hidden Words and the Epistle to Queen Victoria.
  • He read a paper on the Faith to the Oxford University Asiatic Society. For the full text of the paper see PG227-240. The paper was serialized in "The Dawn", a monthly Bahá'í journal of Burma in 1923 - 1924. [PG168-169, 259]
  • Oxford; United Kingdom; Myanmar (Burma) Oxford University Asiatic Society; Shoghi Effendi at Oxford; Shoghi Effendi, Life of; Shoghi Effendi, Writings of; Dawn, The (newsletter); Newsletters; Translation
    1923. 3 Feb Shoghi Effendi wrote to the editors and manager of the Star of the West Albert Vail Miss Edna True Dr. Zia M. Baghdádí Mírzá Aḥmad Sohrab. He reported that he had requested every Spiritual Assembly throughout Persia, Turkestan, Caucasus, India, Egypt, ‘Iráq, Turkey, Syria and Palestine to contribute periodically carefully written articles to the magazine, and submit regularly for publication a special report on their spiritual activities and the progress of the Cause in their own province. [Uncompiled Published Letters p30 by Shoghi Effendi]
  • He sent a similar note of encouragement to the editor of the Indian Bahá'í News and to the editors of The Dawn in Burma. [PP347-348; Uncompiled Published Letters p36 by Shoghi Effendi]
  • BWC; New York; India; Burma Star of the West; Indian Bahai News; Dawn, The (newsletter); Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications
    1923 Sep The Dawn began publishing in Burma, in Burmese, English, and Persian. [BWNS1289] Myanmar (Burma) Dawn, The (newsletter); - Periodicals; Newsletters; First publications; Publications; BWNS
    1924 24 Dec The first Bahá'í News Letter, forerunner of Bahá'í News, was published in New York by the National Assembly of the United States and Canada with Horace Holley as the editor. [BBRSM122; BW10:180; BW13:856; SBR232]
  • For links to the publications see entry at 1990-10-00.
  • New York; United States Newsletters; Bahai News; Horace Holley; Publications; First publications; - Periodicals
    1926 4 May Queen Marie of Romania wrote three articles as a testimonial to the Bahá'í Faith for a syndicated series entitled ‘Queen's Counsel', which appeared in over 200 newspapers in the United States and Canada. [BBR61, HEC57-58, MR245, BW2p174-6]
  • For text of the articles see BBR60–1.
  • For Shoghi Effendi's response see BA110–13 and UD56–8.
  • United States; Romania Queen Marie of Romania; Newspaper articles
    1938 - 1939 Shoghi Effendi disbanded the Haifa Spiritual Assembly which had been in operation since 1922, and sent the local community away. The 1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine made local conditions dangerous with the Arab nationalist contending with the threat of the apparent open-ended Jewish immigration and land purchases and the stated goal of establishing a "Jewish National Home". Perhaps another factor in his decision was the impending war in Europe. [PP348]
  • The disbanding of the spiritual assembly apparently did not mean the end to the publication of the "Haifa News Letter" in which news from the World Centre had been forwarded to all the Bahá'í centres in the East in Persian with an English translation of the publication distributed in the West. The last known mention of the Haifa News Letter was in letter dated the 6th of March, 1946 written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to Britain. UD182 refers. [PP50, 282,348]
  • Haifa Haifa Spiritual Assembly; Local Spiritual Assembly; Haifa News Letter; Newsletters; Haifa Bahai Assembly
    1946 (In the year) The first issue of the News Exchange was published by the International Bahá'í Bureau in Geneva. The last issue was published in December of 1956. It was published in English, French and German. [CBN No 89 June 1957 p5] Geneva; Switzerland Bahai International Community; News Exchange; Anne Lynch; International Bahai Bureau
    1962. 20 Jul The passing of Harlan Foster Ober (b. October 6, 1881 in Beverly, Massachusetts) in Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
  • He had graduated from Harvard University in 1905 with a B.A. and later obtained a law degree from Northeastern University in Boston.
  • Harlan Ober became a Bahá'í at Green Acre in 1905. Another source said it was in the spring of 1906 in a room in the Commonwealth Hotel in Boston that he overcame his doubts while using a prayer and other literature given to him by Lua Getsinger. [LDNW23; 100-101; SBR120-121]
  • Hooper Harris and Lua Getsinger's brother, Dr. William Moore, were selected to make a teaching trip to India. When Moore died suddenly Harlan Ober was chosen to replace him. As he had no funds for the trip Lua borrowed the money from Mr Hervey Lunt, the father of Alfred Lunt. [LGHC105]
  • In 1906 he made a visit to 'Abdu'l-Bahá while He was still confined to prison.
  • On the 17th of July, 1912 he married Grace Roberts (aunt of future Hand of the Cause John Robarts) in a ceremony conducted by the Reverend Howard Colby Ives at 209 West 78th Street in New York. When ‘Abdu'l-Bahá visited America in 1912 He had suggested that Grace Robarts and Harlan marry, and they both agreed with the match, with Harlan travelling to New York from Boston and proposing in Central Park after being informed of the suggestion by Lua Getsinger. ‘Abdu'l-Bahá performed the marriage ceremony in the room he was staying in in New York on July 17, 1912, and Howard Colby Ives later performed a legal ceremony. [SoW Vol 3 No 12 p14; Bahaipedia; The Jouney West, July 2012; Mother's Stories: Stories of ‘Abdu'l-Bahá and Early Believers told by Muriel Ives Barrow Newhall to her son, p. 20]
  • They adopted three children of English, German and Russian background.
  • It was from their home in Cambridge, MA, from the office of the National Teaching Committee, that the first Teaching Bulletin was issued on November 19, 1919. This bulletin evolved to the US Baha'i News.
  • He was closely involved with Race Unity work and made many teaching trips to the southern states with his friend Louis Gregory.
  • He served on the Bahá'í Temple Unity Executive Board as president or secretary from 1918 to 1920. The work of this board was taken over by the National Spiritual Assembly when it was elected in 1922.
  • In 1938 Harlan was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada and he served on it until 1941.
  • Grace passed away in 1938, leaving Harlan widowed.
  • He married his second wife, Dr Elizabeth Kidder Ober in Beverly, MA on the 21st of June, 1941. Shoghi Effendi was pleased with the way the marriage was conducted, without having any church ceremony or minister conduct the service. [BW13p869, 871]
  • After their pilgrimage in 1956 Harlan and Elizabeth Ober travelled to South Africa where they helped form the first all-African Local Spiritual Assembly in Pretoria as had previously been request of them by the Guardian. They returned in December as pioneers. [BW13869]
  • He was appointed to the Auxiliary Board for Protection in Africa in October of 1957 and served on the National Teaching Committee of South and West Africa for two years.
  • He was buried in the Zandfontein Cemetery in Pretoria. [BW13p870; Find a grave; Bahaipedia; BW13p869]
  • Beverly MA; United States; Pretoria; South Africa Harlan Ober; Grace Robarts Ober; In Memoriam; US Bahai News; Race Unity; Elizabeth Kidder Ober; Elizabeth Ober; Auxiliary Board Members
    1970. Jan The inaugural publication of The American Bahá'í. The intention was that this new publication would contain news items, editorials, letters to the editors, feature articles, and various departments to inform, edify and entertain the friends at large. The Bahá'í National Review would continue publication but it would no longer publish news items but would become a gazette for the announcement of official policies and information that the National Spiritual Assembly wished to share with the friends. The Bahá'í National Review continued publication until November of 1970. [Bahá'í National Review Issue 24 December 1969 p15] Wilmette American Bahai (newsletter); Bahai National Review; Newsletters; Periodicals
    1989 Feb The inaugural publication of One Country, the newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community. It was a publication of the Office of Public Information of the Bahá'í International Community in New York. The periodical reported mainly on activities of the worldwide Bahá'í community in relation to issues of sustainable development, peace and world order, human rights, and the advancement of women. [BW'86-‘92 p.539] New York; United States One Country (magazine); Newsletters; Bahai International Community; First publications; Publications; - Periodicals Find date
    1989 Oct One Country, the newsletter of the Bahá'í International Community, started publication in five other languages - French, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, and German. The first French language edition of the publication was launched in Paris in October, 1989. Each issue contained two or three in-depth feature stories on the United Nations, noteworthy social and economic development projects, environmental efforts or educational programs, along with an editorial that addresses world problems from a Bahá'í point of view. Bahai International Community; One Country (magazine); First publications; Newsletters; Publications
    1990 Oct The publication of the last issue of the Bahá'í News by the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States after nearly 70 years of uninterrupted service. [CBN Feb1991pg15]
    • Issues 1 to 40 were published under the name Bahá'í News Letter. Subsequent issues, from #41 to #714, were entitled simply Bahá'í News.

    Bahá'í News Published December 1924 to October 1990
              Link (Will open in this window)            
                  URL   (For cut 'n' paste)      
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 001-110
    Dec 1924 - Sep 1937
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 111-210
    Oct 1937 - Aug 1948
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 211-280
    Sep 1948 - Jun 1954
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 281-345
    Jul 1954 - Nov 1959
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 346-400
    Dec 1959 - Jul 1964
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 401-440
    Aug 1964 - Nov 1967
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 441-490
    Dec 1967 - Jan 1972
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 491-525
    Feb 1972 - May 1975
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 526-580
    Jun 1975 - Jul 1979
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 581-630
    Aug 1979 - Sep 1983
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 631-670
    Oct 1983 - Jan 1987
    "Bahá'í News" Issues 671-714
    Feb 1987 - Oct 1990

    Subscribers in the United States received an insert entitled US Supplement from 1958 to 1967 and the name of the insert was changed to National Bahá'í Review from 1968 until the Bahá'í News discontinued publication in 1990.
    United States Bahai News; Newsletters; - Periodicals; Publications
    1997 (In the year) In 1997 One Country launched its website that contained all the English issues of the newsletter published over the previous three years. [One Country Vol 23 Issue3, BW'86-92p539] One Country (magazine); Newsletters; Internet; Websites; Bahai International Community
    2000 Oct The Bahá'í World News Service began publishing online, picking up the reins of the former Bahá'í International News Service which was a biweekly printed newsletter. [One Country Vol 12 Issue 3 October-December 2000; Ridván Message 2001]
  • In 2018 the BWNS began providing podcasts and in subsequent months, in addition to English and Persian, stories were be made available in Spanish and French. [BWNS1289]
  • By September 2023 the site was publishing in English, French, Russian, Spanish and Farsi. [BWNS1695]
  • BWC; Websites; Internet; Bahai World News Service (BWNS); Newsletters; First publications; Publications; BWNS; Bahai International News Service
    2001 23 Dec National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States published a full-page advertisement in The New York Times. The statement, entitled The Destiny of America and The Promise of World Peace," stated that Bahá'ís believe the American nation will evolve, through tests and trials to become a land of spiritual distinction and leadership, a champion of justice and unity among all peoples and nations, and a powerful servant of the cause of everlasting peace. The 645-word document identified six prerequisites for world peace: universal acceptance of the oneness of humanity; the eradication of racism; the full emancipation of women; the elimination of inordinate disparity between the rich and the poor; an end to unbridled nationalism; and harmony between religious leaders. [BWNS147, includes the text of the statement] New York; United States Promise of World Peace (statement); Statements; National Spiritual Assembly, statements; National Spiritual Assembly of the United States; Peace; BWNS; Publications; Newspapers; Press (media)
    2020. 22 Apr The Brussels Office of the Bahá'í International Community launched a quarterly newsletter to share more widely insights emerging from its efforts to contribute to contemporary discourses in Europe. [BWNS1424; BIC Newsletter]
  • Click here to subscribe.
  • Brussels; Belgium Bahai International Community; Newsletter
    2020. 6 Dec The presentation of a webinar at the Wilmette Institute by Jan Teofil Jason entitled 'Abdu'l-Bahá and the "Other". In his presentation he discussed the newspaper coverage given 'Abdu'l-Bahá during his Western Tour, the influence of xenophobia on that coverage, and the challenges facing scholars in recovering those publications.
  • A PDF of his speaking notes was been made available.
  • Wilmette; IL Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Talks at public places; Abdul-Baha, Talks to ethnic groups; Xenophobia; Newspapers; Race (general)
    2022. 6 Dec The release of the film A Library for All Who Seek Knowledge by the Bahá'í World News Service, a short documentary about the Afnan Library in Sandy, Bedfordshire. [BWNS1630] Sandy, England Afnan Library; film; Baha'i World News Service

    from the chronology of Canada

    date event locations tags see also
    1950's (Early) The editor of the Canadian Bahá'í News was Miss Vicki Bond of Montreal. [CBN No 13 May 1950] Montreal, QC Vicki Bond; Canadian Bahai News
    1958 Feb The National Spiritual Assembly published a policy statement for the Canadian Bahá'í News. [CBN No 97 February 1958 p4] Canadian Bahai News; policy
    1960 (In the year) A series of twelve professional advertising mats with graphics and an explanation of the Faith were designed by Rod Willis and made available to all believers across Canada for local newspapers. [UC113] Proclamation, newspapers
    2007. 3 Aug In an email addressed to all Local Spiritual Assemblies and Bahá'í Groups, Gerald Filson, the Director of External Affairs announced the launch of a new site of the Bahá'í Community of Canada, The purpose of the site is to feature news articles of Bahá'í-related activities in Canada, listings of upcoming events, and headlines of newspaper articles from across the country that mention the Bahá'í Faith." Canadian Bahai News

    from the main catalogue

    1. 1970-1995: Newspaper articles archive (1970-1995). Collection of newspaper articles from 1970-1995. [about]
    2. 1996: Newspaper articles archive (1996). Collection of newspaper articles from 1996. [about]
    3. 1997: Newspaper articles archive (1997). Collection of newspaper articles from 1997. [about]
    4. 1998: Newspaper articles archive (1998). Collection of newspaper articles from 1998. [about]
    5. 1999: Newspaper articles archive (1999). Collection of newspaper articles from 1999. [about]
    6. 2000: Newspaper articles archive (2000). Collection of newspaper articles from 2000. [about]
    7. 2001: Newspaper articles archive (2001). Collection of newspaper articles from 2001. [about]
    8. 2002: Newspaper articles archive (2002). Collection of newspaper articles from 2002. [about]
    9. 2003: Newspaper articles archive (2003). Collection of newspaper articles from 2003. [about]
    10. 2004: Newspaper articles archive (2004). Collection of newspaper articles from 2004. [about]
    11. 2005: Newspaper articles archive (2005). Collection of newspaper articles from 2005. [about]
    12. 50,000 Newspaper Clippings from (2023). Excel files with OCRed text, and PDF files with thumbnail image clippings linked to, of tens of thousands of articles from 1748-2023. [about]
    13. A Última Heterodoxia, by Ana Cristina Leonardo (2006-03-11). Article published in Expresso, a very influential newspaper in Portugal. A positive article towards the Faith. [about]
    14. Abdu'l-Baha and "The Other", by Jan T. Jasion (2021-02). On xenophobia; Abdu'l-Bahá's response to it; his reactions to certain newspapers; the impact of xenophobia on digitized collections; some comments by Bahá'u'lláh on journalism. Text of a webinar presented to the Wilmette Institute (December, 2020). [about]
    15. `Abdu'l-Bahá's 1912 Howard University Speech: A Civil War Discourse for Interracial Emancipation, by Christopher Buck and Nahzy Abadi Buck (2012-12-22). Presentation at Grand Canyon Bahá'í Conference on Abdu'l-Bahá and the Black Intelligentsia, especially W. E. B. Du Bois; his speech to the NAACP; and reproductions of many newspaper clippings covering his visit to Washington, DC. [about]
    16. 'Abdul Baha Talks to Kate Carew of Things Spiritual and Mundane, by Kate Carew, in New York Tribune (1912-05-05). [about]
    17. Additional Tablets and Extracts from Tablets Revealed by Bahá'u'lláh, by Bahá'u'lláh (2018/2023). 80 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
    18. Báb, The: Newspaper Articles and Other Publications 1845-1859 (2019-12-26). List of 1490 articles from newspapers, books, and journals referencing The Báb and the Bábís, from Europe, the U.S., Australia, and New Zealand. [about]
    19. Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts, by Moojan Momen (1981). A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Bábí and Bahá'í religions in contemporaneous accounts and newspapers. [about]
    20. Babi Attempt on the Life of the Shah, 1852: Coverage in the New York Times, by New York Times, in New York Times (1852). Five brief newspaper reports, among the earliest known references to the Báb in an American publication. [about]
    21. Babs of Persia, The, by Thomas Chaplin, in The Times of London (1871-10-05). Eight versions/excerpts of an article originally published in The Times of London Oct. 5, 1871, and then reprinted elsewhere. [about]
    22. Bahá'í 'Race Amity' Movement and the Black Intelligentsia in Jim Crow America, The: Alain Locke and Robert Abbott, by Christopher Buck, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 17 (2011). W. E. B. Du Bois, Alain L. Locke and Robert S. Abbott, ranked as the 4th, 36th and 41st most influential in African American history, all expressed interest in the Baha’i ethic of world unity, from family to international relations, and social crisis. [about]
    23. Bahá'í Journal of the United Kingdom (1997-2004). Eight years of news and essays from the Journal of the Bahá'í Community of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. [about]
    24. Bahá'í Message, The, by Walter Bryant Guy, in Fernandina Beach News Leader (1927-1928). A series of 16 newspaper articles summarizing Bahá'í history and teachings in "Florida's Oldest News Weekly Newspaper" by a writer who visited Abdu'l-Bahá several times between 1901-1921 and traveled extensively among the Bahá'ís in foreign lands. [about]
    25. Bahá'í News: Complete issues, in Bahá'í News (1924-1990). Link to offsite documents. [about]
    26. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service, in Bahá'í World (2018-10-12). Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service. [about]
    27. Bahá'í World, The: Volume 18 (1979-1983), in Bahá'í World (1986). Periodic volumes that survey the global activities and major achievements of the Faith. [about]
    28. Bahá'ís Têm Nova Direcção Mundial, by Antonio Marujo, in Jornal Publico (2003-05-08). Article on the Election of the Universal House of Justice, published in a Portuguese newspaper. [about]
    29. Bahá'ísm Today, by Wilhelmina Bain, in The Otago Witness (1913-08). Short, early overview of the Bahá'í Faith, among the first published in New Zealand. [about]
    30. Bahá'u'lláh and the Fourth Estate, by Roger White, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 18 (1979-1983) (1986). Bahá'u'lláh's response to the martyrdom of seven Bahá'ís in Yazd in May, 1891, and his relationship with the media. [about]
    31. Bahai Movement, The: A paper read by Shoghi Effendi at Oxford, by Shoghi Effendi, in The Dawn, 1:1-8 (1923-1924). Text of an address given to the Oxford University Asiatic Society, February 1921, before the passing of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and before Shoghi Effendi was appointed the "Guardian." [about]
    32. Chronicles of a Birth: Early References to the Bábí and Bahá'í Religions in Spain, part 1 (1850-1853), by Amin E. Egea, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 5 (2004). Found sources for Bábí and Bahá'í history available in Span covering the years 1844 to 1947 (when the Bahá'í faith was established in Spain), pt. 1. [about]
    33. Destiny of America and The Promise of World Peace, The, by National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States, in The New York Times (2001-12-23). Statement published as a full-page ad in New York Times on prerequisites for world peace: acceptance of the oneness of humanity; eradication of racism; emancipation of women; elimination of wealth disparity; end to nationalism; religious harmony. [about]
    34. Early Mention of Bábís in Western Newspapers, Summer 1850 (1850). Very brief newspaper mentions about the rise of the Bábí movement: Tioga Eagle (Wellsborough, Pennsylvania) 1850-08-21; Church and State Gazette (Middlesex, London) 1850-07-19; Nevada State Journal 1871-12-23. [about]
    35. First newspaper story of the events of the Bábí Faith (2013). Six versions of the first public mentions in English of the Bábís, from November 1845. [about]
    36. First Public Mentions of the Bahá'í Faith in the West, by Bahá'í Information Office of the UK (1998). Short essay based on research by Moojan Momen and Derek Cockshutt. The first mention for the Faith in the West was not in 1893, but rather in a number of earlier talks on the Faith in England, and reports on the Babis in the 1850s. [about]
    37. Guess Who's Coming to Church: The Chicago Defender, the Federal Council of Churches, and Rethinking Shared Faith in Interracial Religious Practice, by William Stell, in Church History, 92:3 (2023-12). Exploring "Go-to-a-White-Church Sunday" initiated by Robert S. Abbott (1922) and "Race Relations Sunday" (1923), calling for critical analysis of assumed shared faith in interracial practice. [about]
    38. Healing through Unity newsletter (1998-2007). Back issues of a newsletter dedicated to serving the principles of physical and spiritual health envisioned in the Bahá'í Teachings. [about]
    39. Huffington Post articles about the Bahá'í Faith (n.d.). Link to thousands of items at mentioning, or about, the Bahá'í Faithh. [about]
    40. Human Rights Watch on Persecution of Baha'is in Iran, by Reuters (1997-09-24). Two articles covering a report by Human Rights Watch on the treatment of the Bahá'ís and other minorities in Iran. [about]
    41. Le Journal de Constantinople (1848-1851). Collection of 818 files, unsorted. They contain an unknown number of references to the Báb and his milieu. Four entries have been found so far, and searching this archive may yield more. [about]
    42. Letters and Extracts of Writings from the Guardian Published in the US Bahá'í News 1924 - 1934, by Shoghi Effendi (1924-1934). [about]
    43. Library and Archival Resources at the Bahá'í World Centre, by William P. Collins, in Bahá'í Studies Bulletin, 3:4 (1985:12). Overview of the nature of the Bahá'í World Centre; historical resources at the BWC; Centre for the Study of the Holy Texts; access to BWC resources; classification schemes. [about]
    44. Looking for Mother's Helper, at Least 15 Years Old, Able to Swim, by Barbara Kay, in National Post (2012-07-25). Short essay saying some complimentary things about Bahá'ís, notable partly because published in a mainstream newspaper by a well-known columnist. [about]
    45. Mention of the Babi and Baha'i Faiths in the New York Times 1852 - 1922, in New York Times (1852-1922). 45 articles and brief mentions, spanning 70 years. [about]
    46. Message from Abdu'l-Baha, Head of the Baha'is, A, in New York Times (1912-04-21). News article of Abdu'l-Bahá's tour. Includes scanned image of various newspaper clippings and photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá. [about]
    47. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (1996). [about]
    48. Newspaper Collections and the Baha'i Faith (2020). Links to collections of thousands of newspaper clippings and articles related to the Bahá'í Faith, and a brief guide to finding other Bahá'í genealogical and historical sources. [about]
    49. Oregon Newspaper Archive, in The Advocate (1923-1927). 50 news clippings from an "independent paper devoted to the interests of the people" that were found searching newspaper archives for Bahá'í keywords. [about]
    50. Religious Chic, by Zuo Xuan, in Global Times (2010-01-27). A portrait of the Bahá'ís in contemporary China. [about]
    51. Remembering 'Abdu'l-Baha's Call for Unity, a Century after World War I, by Bahá'í World News Service (2018-11-26). Collection of newspaper articles and photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá, on the general theme of unity in the face of war. [about]
    52. (Report to the) American Oriental Society / A New Prophet, by Austin Wright, in The Literary World, 228:8 (1851-06-14). First paper on Bábí history, from a letter to the American Oriental Society, published in multiple newspapers, including translation into German. Includes preface by Steven Kolins. [about]
    53. Short Chapter in the History of Bâbeeism in Persia, A, by Austin Wright, in Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society (1853-05-18). Letter to the American Oriental Society recounting the continuation of Bábísm and attack on the Shah. Follow-up to Wright's first report on Bábí history, from June 1851. [about]
    54. Small in Number, Big in Faith, by Todd Fertig, in Topeka Capital-Journal (2020-09-04). Overview of the Bahá'í Faith and its activities in Kansas, and interview with Duane Herrmann. [about]
    55. Tablet to The Times of London, by Bahá'u'lláh, in Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, by Adib Taherzadeh, Vol. 4 (1987). Short tablet calling newspapers to investigate the Truth. [about]
    56. We can do without fences built by prejudice, by Ted Slavin, in St. Catharines Standard (2011). Just as a windstorm knocks down fences, struggles can unite strangers and overcoming barriers will improve communities. [about]
    57. What Do Bahá'ís Believe about Gender?, by Gleibys L. Buchanan, in Washington Post (2011-04-15). Bahá'ís believe that gender equality must be manifested as a social reality. [about]
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