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1968 23 – 25 Aug The first Oceanic Conference took place in Palermo, Sicily, to commemorate the arrival of Bahá'u'lláh in the Holy Land. [BW15:73, 178; VV3]
  • It was attended by some 2,300 Bahá'ís from 67 countries. [BW15:73]
  • For details of the conference, maps and pictures see BW15:72–80.
  • See the message sent to the conference from the Universal House of Justice in which it was stated:
      Contemplating this awe-inspiring, supernal episode, we may obtain a clearer understanding of our own times, a more confident view of their outcome and a deeper apprehension of the part we are called upon to play. That the violent disruption which has seized the entire planet is beyond the ability of men to assuage, unaided by God's revelation, is a truth repeatedly and forcibly set forth in our Writings. The old order cannot be repaired; it is being rolled up before our eyes. The moral decay and disorder convulsing human society must run their course; we can neither arrest nor divert them.
  • Palermo; Italy Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1970 14 Aug - 1971 5 Sep Eight Oceanic and Continental Conferences were held. BW15:296–323]
  • For many pictures see BW15:296–316.
  • Oceanic Conference; Continental Conference; Conference
    1970 14 – 16 Aug The Oceanic Conference of the Indian Ocean was held in Rose Hill, Mauritius. [BW15:317; VV5]
  • For pictures see BW15:299–301.
  • For an account of the experience of attending from the point of view of Claire Gung, the "Mother of Africa", see CG84-85.
  • Rose Hill; Mauritius Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1971 1 – 3 Jan The Oceanic Conference of the South China Seas was held in the Victoria Memorial Hall in Singapore. [BW15:319; VV5]
  • For pictures see BW15:302–3 and VV6.
  • Singapore Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1971 21 – 23 May The Oceanic Conference of the Caribbean was held in Kingston, Jamaica. [BW15:218, 319–20; VV5–6]
  • For pictures see BW15:304–8 and VV6.
  • Kingston; Jamaica Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1971 21 – 23 May The Oceanic Conference of the South Pacific was held in Suva, Fiji, BW15:320–1; VV6.
  • For pictures see BW15:308–9.
  • Suva; Fiji Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1971 3 – 5 Sep The Oceanic Conference of the North Pacific was held in Sapporo, Japan. [BW15:321–2; VV6]
  • For pictures see BW15:312–14 and VV5.
  • Sapporo; Japan Oceanic Conference; Conference
    1971 3 – 5 Sep The Oceanic Conference of the North Atlantic was held in Reykjavik, Iceland attended by some 800 people from 36 countries. [BW15:322–3; VV6; BN 488 November 1971 p24]
  • For pictures see BW15:309–12.
  • Reykjavik; Iceland Oceanic Conference; Conference
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