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from the chronology of Canada

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1955 Feb The first fireside was held in Hull, Quebec at the home of one of the friends of the Faith. Bert Rakovsky of Westmount was the speaker. [CBN No 63 April, 1955 p2] Hull, QC Bert Rakovsky; Outaouais Cluster
1965 Summer Winnifred Harvey opened the locality of Hull, QC. She moved from Eastview, ON (later Vanier and still later part of the Ottawa community). She immediately immersed herself in an intensive study of French. Hull was a major target in the development of French Canadian teaching. Hull, QC; Eastview, ON; Vanier, ON Winnifred Harvey; Outaouais Cluster
1965. Early Sep Ron and Edna Nablo and family opened the locality of Lucerne, QC. This area was later known as Aylmer and still later became Gatineau. The city of Gatineau was formed in 2002 following the amalgamation of the municipalities of Aylmer, Buckingham, Gatineau, Hull and Masson-Angers. [CBN Issue 189 October 1965 p2]

Don and Diana Dainty moved to Lucerne in June of 1967 [email from Catherine Carry dated 28 May 2020]

Lucerne, QC; Gatineau, QC Ron Nablo; Edna Nablo; Outaouais Cluster; Don Dainty; Diana Dainty
1968. Ridván The formation of the Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Lucerne, QC. The founding members were: Beatrice B Major, Hedda Rakovsky, Hubert Schuurman, Don Dainty, Ron Nablo, Olga M Earwaker, Suzanne Schuurman, Diana Dainty, and Edna Nablo. [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich] Lucerne, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Outaouais Cluster; Ron Nablo; Hubert Schuurman; Edna Nablo; Don Dainty; Diana Dainty; Susanne Schuurman; Hedda Rutkowski; Olga M Earwaker; Olga M Earwaker; Beatrice Major
1970. Ridván The formation of the first Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Hull. In announcing the formation, Mr M. E. Muttart, General Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly stated:
    "We feel that it is of particular interest because the majority of the members are French speaking. Following 'Abdu'l-Bahá's exhortation to teach the French-speaking people of Canada our great hope has been to arrive at a more equitable representation from the two main language groups of this country."
  • The members were: Marjorie Merrick, Paul Hanbury, Winnifred Harvey, Lucille Leboeuf, Daniel Caillaud, Danielle Coinon, Paule Médori, Michel Larin and Janet Braithwaite. [CBN Issue 242? July 1970 p 9; [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich]
  • Hull, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Marjorie Merrick; Paul Hanbury; Winnifred Harvey; Lucille Leboeuf; Daniel Caillaud; Danielle Coinon; Paule Medori; Michel Larin; Janet Braithwaite; Outaouais Cluster
    1974. Ridván The formation of the Local Spiritual Assembly of Aylmer, QC. The inaugural members were: Rick and Margo Blake, Linda O'Neil and John Dickie, Belinda and David Erickson, Jane Ginsberg, Pyer Vaillancours, and Michael McKenny. [from an email from David Erickson dated 28 and 29 May 2022; [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich] iiiii Aylmer, QC; Gatineau, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Rick Blake; Margo Blake; Linda ONeil; John Dickie; Belinda Erickson; David Erickson; Jane Ginsberg; Pyer Vaillancours; Michael McKenny; Outaouais Cluster
    1975. 22 Sep The formation of the Local Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Gatineau, QC. The founding members were: Pierre Dagenais (Chairman), Jack McLean (Vice Chairman), Helen Michelin (Secretary), Richard Gordon (Treasurer), Brigitte McLean, Renée Dagenais, Nahid Gordon, Tony Panalaks, and Kamal Toeg. [from an email from to Jack McLean (A121577) 11 July 2022] iiiii Gatineau, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Outaouais Cluster; Jack McLean; Helen Michelin; Pierre Dagenais; Richard D. Gordon; Brigitte McLean; Tony Panalaks; Renée Dagenais; Nahid Gordon; Kamal Toeg; Outaouais Cluster
    1976. Ridván The municipalities of Aylmer, Lucerne and Deschenes, QC amalgamated and as a result, the existing Assemblies of Lucerne and Aylmer were united under the new name of the united municipalities-Aylmer. No Assembly had been formed in Deschenes. [email from David Erickson dated 28 May 2022] Aylmer, QC; Lucerne, QC; Deschenes, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Outaouais Cluster
    1977. 9 Jul "The first new Spiritual Assembly since Ridván this year was formed in Hull-Ouest, Québec, on July 9. The National Spiritual Assembly warmly commended them on this victory of "establishing a new pillar of the Cause in so important a region of the country." The inaugural members were: Denys Laurin, Yves Charbonneau, Pierre Dagenais, Martel L.F. Piché, Jean-Guy Galipeau, Bill Lemmon, Phoebe Anne Lemmon, Robert Chaffers, Kaye Chaffers. [CBN Issue 306 July 1977 p11; from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich]
  • The assembly area is now known as Chelsea. Chelsea was named after the Vermont town of its first settler, Thomas Brigham, who was a partner and son-in-law of Philemon Wright and arrived there in 1819. The name has been in use since the early 19th century: Old Chelsea (1819), Parish Saint-Stephen-of-Chelsea (1835), Chelsea (circa 1870). In 1875, the municipality was established as Hull-Partie-Ouest, or commonly referred to as West Hull. The municipality was renamed to its current name in 1990. [Wikipedia]
  • Hull-Ouest; Chelsea Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Hull-Ouest; Hull-West; Chelsea; Outaouais Cluster; Denys Laurin; Yves Charbonneau; Pierre Dagenais; Martel L.F. Piché; Jean-Guy Galipeau; Bill Lemmon; Phoebe Anne Lemmon; Robert Chaffers; Kaye Chaffers
    1993. 9 Jan The formation of the Spiritual Assembly of LaPêche, QC by joint declaration. Members were: Stephen and Leslie Hanks: Roxanne Lalonde; Sandra Briand; Mike and Jen (Litzgus) Sianchuk; Marilee and David Rhody, and Lillian Chaffers. Because Lillian was in the senior's residence in Masham the other members went there and formed the Assembly in her presence. [from an email from David Rhody dated 28 May 2022]
  • Note: At Ridván 1993 the Assembly reformed. The members were: Roxanne Lalonde, Marilee Rhody, Mike Sianchuk, Leslie Laskarin-Hanks, Stephen Hanks, Jennifer Litzgus-Sianchuk, Sandra Briand, David Rhody, Daniel O'Connell. [from an email 4 November 2022 from National Archivist Ailsa Hedly Leftwich]
  • LaPêche, QC Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; Stephen Hanks; Leslie Hanks: Roxanne Lalonde; Sandra Briand; Mike Sianchuk; Jen Litzgus; Marilee Rhody; David Rhody; Lillian Chaffers; Daniel O’Connell; Outaouais Cluster
    2006. 18 -19 Nov The Spiritual Assemblies of Québec elected the first Québec Regional Council. Those elected were and approved by the National Spiritual Assembly were: Monique Robert 120, John MacLeod 106, Elizabeth Wright 94, André Bergeron 81, Nabil Nakhostine 76, Nicole Lachance 69, Suzanne Maloney 65, Pierre Austin 53, Louise Gagnon 23 Please note that Mitra Javanmardi received 104 votes, but she has confirmed her acceptance of appointment as an Auxiliary Board member as of 26 November 2006. The individual with the next highest number of votes, Louise Gagnon, filled this vacancy. [NSA message S6660 22 November 2006] Outaouais Cluster; Regional Council; Regional Council, appointment
    2007. 20 Mar In an email from the Conseil bahá'í du Québec it was announced that the National Spiritual Assembly had appointed Elizabeth Richard had been appointed Coordinator for the Institute Board of Quebec for a period of two years and that France Gilson, Soheil Nakhostine, Shapour Pirmoradi, Sahar Sabati and Laurie Zrudlo had been appointed to serve on the Institute Board for a period of one year. iiiiii Baha'i Institute of Quebec; Outaouais Cluster
    2011. Ridván Gregory Newing served as the Area Teaching Committee for the Outaouais Cluster during the Five Year Plan (2011-2016) while serving simultaneously as the Outaouais Cluster Development Facilitator.

    At Ridván 2016, with the start of the new Five Year Plan, Darlene Cameron was invited to serve with Gregory on the new Area Teaching Committee.,

    Outaouais Cluster; Gregory Newing; Darlene Cameron
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