- 1844 Ottoman 'Edict of Toleration' in Bahá'í Secondary Literature, The, by Michael W. Sours. (1998). This edict, issued the year the Bahá'í era began, permitted Jews to return to Palestine. The return of Jews to the Holy Land was thought by Christians to be an event anticipated by biblical prophecy, heralding the Second Advent of Christ.
- `Abdu'l-Baha in Abu-Sinan: September 1914, by Ahang Rabbani. (2005). The story of Abdu'l-Bahá's relocating the Haifa/Akka Bahá'í community of some 140 people to a nearby Druze village to keep them safe during World War I.
- ['Abdu'l-Bahá] Declares Zionists Must Work with Other Races: From the Globe and Commercial Advertiser (New York, July 17, 1919), by Marion Weinstein. (1919-09-08). An interview with 'Abdu'l-Bahá on the League of Nations, Bahá'í ideas for peace, and the Holy Land. [Note: at this time in history, years before the Second World War, the terms "Zionist" and "Palestine" had somewhat different meanings.]
- Babi and Bahá'í Religions 1844-1944: Some Contemporary Western Accounts, by Moojan Momen. (1981). A lengthy collection of first-hand reports and mentions of the Bábí and Bahá'í religions in contemporaneous accounts and newspapers.
- Babs and Their Prophet, The, by Laurence Oliphant. (1887). Excerpt from a book described by E.G. Browne as "the first published notice of Behá and the Bábí colony at Acre"; includes PDF of complete book.
- Bahá'í Settlements in the Jordan Valley, 1882-1954, The, by Shay Rozen. (2011-04-05).
- Call of Mt. Carmel, The, by Maude M. Holbach. (1912). Includes passing references to Abdu'l-Bahá and Akka, a description of life in Haifa at the time, and some history of Laurence Oliphant.
- Chosen Highway, The, by Lady Sarah Louisa Blomfield. (1940/1967). Oral Bahá'í histories collected by an eminent early English Bahá'í, first published in 1940.
- Colonialism, Nationalism and Jewish Immigration to Palestine: Abdu'l-Baha's Viewpoints Regarding the Middle East, by Kamran Ekbal. (2014). Abdu'l-Bahá was opposed to the cultural and political colonialism of foreign powers and their militaries. In spite of the Bahá'í principle of abstaining from politics, exceptions can be made in the face of tyranny and injustice.
- Cook's Tourists' Handbook for Palestine and Syria , by Thomas Cook (firm). (1876). Many passing references to Haifa, Carmel, Akka, and the Holy Land; see e.g. pages 20-21, 30-31, 47-48, 408-416.
- Faith of Bahá'u'lláh, The: A World Religion, by Shoghi Effendi. (1947-07). A summary of the origin, teachings and institutions of the Bahá'í Faith, prepared in 1947 for the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine by Shoghi Effendi in his capacity as Head of the Bahá'í Faith.
- Humanitarian Responses to Global Conflicts, by Universal House of Justice. (2015-01-13). A letter to and response from the House about why Bahá'ís do not condemn the 2014 attacks on Gaza, and principles to consider when addressing conflicts.
- In the Noble, Sacred Place: One Rainy Day in a Holy City, by Sandra Lynn Hutchison. (2021 Spring). A memoir of visiting Jerusalem — a contemporary pilgrim's note written as a literary piece — with meditations on the spiritual truths of the Qur'an.
- Itchyfeet: Travels with Reg Priestley, by Reginald L. Priestley. (1991/2001). Autobiography of a world traveller who visited many places in and around Israel while in the Palestine Policeman service in the 1940s, and the story of his acceptance of the Bahá'í Faith.
- Letter to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, by Shoghi Effendi, Horace Holley. (1947/1948). Shoghi Effendi's summary of the relationship of the Bahá'í Faith to Palestine, written as an introduction to the pamphlet "The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh: A World Religion." Includes Holley's letter to the UN the next year on Bahá'í shrines in Palestine.
- Religions of Modern Syria and Palestine, The, by Frederick Jones Bliss. (1912).
- Remembering 'Abdu'l-Baha's Call for Unity, a Century after World War I, by Bahá'í World News Service. (2018-11-26). Collection of newspaper articles and photographs of Abdu'l-Bahá, on the general theme of unity in the face of war.
- Treasures of the East: The Life of Nine Oriental Countries, by Zia M. Bagdadi. (1930). Descriptions of nine "Treasures" — Egypt, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Jijaz (Arabia), Transjordania (Arabia), Persia, India, and Turkey — by an Iraqi physician who traveled to the U.S. and was instrumental in the establishment of several Bahá'í communities.
- "Two Great Powers" in the Lawh-i Maqsud, by Ismael Velasco. (2014). On the identity of the two countries that arose against the followers of Moses, referenced by Bahá'u'lláh — likely Russia and France or Russia and Germany.
- What is Bahá'í Orientalism?, by Geoffrey Nash. (2021). Postcolonial theory can help analyze religious writing; Edward Said and the concept of mutual othering; power and knowledge are linked in the production of Orientalist discourse. Link to article (offsite).
- Young Turks and the Bahá'ís in Palestine, The, by Necati Alkan. (2011). Reform movements in turn-of-the-century Palestine and the influence of Abdu'l-Bahá on his political milieu.