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1912 25 Mar-17 Jun 1913 `Abdu'l-Bahá's second Western tour

'Abdul'-Bahá and His party embarked from Alexandria on the White Star Line Liner RMS Cedric for New York via Naples. They departed Naples on the 30th of March and made a call at Gibraltar. Three of His party were forced to leave the ship for supposed "medical' reasons. Among them was His grandson, Shoghi Effendi. [AB171; GPB281; ABF274; ABTM50-52; SYH50-51]

  • Boarding in Naples to join Him on the Atlantic crossing were Louisa Mathew and the Woodcock family, Percy, Aloysia and their daughter, May as well as Mr and Mrs Austin from Denver, Colorado. [SYH49, 52; ABPp18n.96]
  • Alexandria; Egypt; Naples; Italy; Gibraltar; New York; United States Abdul-Baha, Travels of; Abdul-Baha in Egypt; Abdul-Baha, Second Western tour; Abdul-Baha, Life of; Abdul-Baha, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; Louise Gregory; Percy Woodcock

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1906 16 Sep Abdu'l-Bahá addressed a tablet to the Montreal Community through Percy Woodcock. [BFA2p157, Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas, vol.II, pp.531-3] Montreal, QC Percy Woodcock
    1908 (In the year) There were 16 Bahá'ís in Montreal.
  • Percy Woodcock resided briefly in and occasionally visited Brockville, ON
  • Dr James Oakshette resided in Toronto [BFA2p157.
  • Montreal, QC; Brockville, ON; Toronto, ON Percy Woodcock; James Oakshette
    1908 (Summer) Mirza Enayatullah and Prof. M. Barakatullah were the guests of Percy Woodcock in Brockville, ON. During their stay there, Mr. Woodcock invited from time to time several ladies and gentlemen to introduce them to his guests.

    Prof. Barakatullah attended the Sunday school in the Presbyterian church in Brockville for three consecutive Sundays and took part in a debate on the subject of the "Millennium." [Bahá'í Bulletin Vol 1 No 1 p13]

    Brockville, ON Percy Woodcock; Mirza Enayatullah; Prof. M. Barakatullah
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