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Search for tag "Persecution, Adharbayjan"

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1867 Sep - Aug 1868 Persecutions began anew in Ádharbáyján, Zanján, Níshápúr and Tihrán. [GPB178] Adharbayjan; Zanjan; Nishapur; Tihran; Iran Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Iran; Persecution
1897. Feb Six Bahá'ís were arrested in Mamaqán, Ádharbáyján. Three were bastinadoed and three were imprisoned in Tabríz. [BW18:384] Mamaqan; Adharbayjan; Tabriz; Iran Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Iran; Persecution, Arrests; Persecution
1926 (In the year) For most of the year severe restrictions were placed on the Bahá'ís of Marághih in Ádharbáyján, the governor of the district effectively suspended all constitutional and civil rights of the Bahá'í community. [BBR472; BW18:388]
  • For a list of deprivations see BBR473.
  • Maraghih; Adharbayjan Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution; Human rights
    1941 (In the year) Shaykh Kázim was martyred in Bunáb, Ádharbáyján. [BW18:389] Bunab; Adharbayjan Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution
    1954 8 Dec Bahá'ís in Ádharbáyján were dismissed from their employment in the Ministries of Health and Public Highways. [BW18p390] Adharbayjan Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1966 Dec A campaign was launched against the Bahá'ís of Saysán, Ádharbáyján, by Mullá Mihdí Sultánpúr. [BW18:391] Saysan; Adharbayjan Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Other; Persecution
    1967 1 Jan A Bahá'í was beaten to death by a mob in Saysán, Ádharbáyján, and other Bahá'ís were attacked and beaten. [BW18:391] Saysan; Adharbayjan Persecution, Adharbayjan; Persecution, Deaths; Persecution, Mobs; Persecution
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