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Search for tag "Sabaeanism"

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  1. African religions; miracles; strange phenomena, by Universal House of Justice (1996-08-06). Five questions: the religion of Santeria; relationship to Sabaeanism; Yoruba-based new world religions; visions and miracles of the Virgin Mary and Fatima; UFOs, aliens, and genetic engineering. [about]
  2. Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and Related Subjects, by Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, in Compilation of Compilations, Volume 1 (1991). A compilation on the status of Buddha, Krishna, Zoroaster and other figures. [about]
  3. Monotheistic Religion in Africa: The Example of the Swazi People, by Margaret Pemberton-Pigott and Crispin Pemberton-Pigott, in Bahá'í Faith and the World's Religions (2005). Similarities between the Bahá'í Faith and the ancient traditional beliefs of the Swazi people of Southern Africa. [about]
  4. Sabaeans and African-based Religions in the Americas, The, by Universal House of Justice, in Lights of Irfan, 13 (2012). Overview by the Research Department about the religion of the Sabaeans [aka Sabeans], and some indigenous practices in the southern Americas such as Yoruba, Santeria, and Brazilian Candomble. [about]
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