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1954 Jun In June of 1954 it was announced in the American Bahá'í News that the following had been appointed to the Auxiliary Board in North America: Gayle Woolson, Margery McCormick, Katherine McLaughlin, Florence Mayberry, Sarah Pereira, and Rowland Estall by the three Hands of the Cause in North America, Corrine True, Horace Holley and Paul Haney.
  • To make it possible for the Auxiliary Boards to fulfill their mission, the Guardian transmitted an initial contribution of five thousand pounds to be equally divided among the five continents, and appealed to both individuals and National Assemblies to augment these funds. [BN No 28 June 1954 p6]
  • In Africa there were eight new Auxiliary Board Members and among them were Elsie Austin, 'Alí Nakhjavání, John Robarts, William Sears, and 'Azíz Yazdi. [UC49]
  • Auxiliary Board Members; Gayle Woolson; Margery McCormick; Katherine McLaughlin; Florence Mayberry; Sarah Pereira; Rowland Estall; Elsie Austin; Ali Nakhjavani; John Robarts; William Sears; Aziz Yazdi
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