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1946 Ridván The Second Seven Year Plan of the United States and Canada (1946-1953) was launched. [BBR180; BBRSM158, 185; MA87-89, MA89]
  • For details of the plan see BW16:81–2.
    • Consolidate victories won;
    • Complete interior ornamentation;
    • Form 3 NSAs in Canada, Central and South America;
    • Support spread of Faith into Europe;
    • Supplemental goals to support Africa. [The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement)p2]
  • This marked the end of the First Epoch and the beginning of the Second Epoch of the Formative Age. [CB316; CF5–6]
  • The Second Epoch was marked by the global spread of the Faith and concluded with the election of the Universal House of Justice.
  • United States; Canada Second Seven Year Plan, US and CA (1946-1953); Teaching Plans; Teaching Plans, National; Formative Age; Ages and Epochs
    1953. 20 Apr The Second Seven Year Plan ended with 2,425 localities, 611 local spiritual assemblies, 100 countries, islands and dependencies opened to the Faith. There were 12 national assemblies to this date; [UC43]
    • NSAs in Canada, Central and South America;
    • Assisted the systematic spread of Faith in Europe, incl. forming 10 LSAs in goal cities;
    • Interior ornamentation complete;
    • Supported the building of the Shrine of the Báb;
    • Expansion and more LSAs on homefront. [The Spiritual Conquest of the Planet (Supplement) p2]
  • From 1921 to this time the Faith had expanded to 128 countries and territories, 15 during the time of Baha'u'llah, 20 during the time of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and an additional 58 under the stewardship of the Guardian. [Patheos website]
  • Teaching Plans; Second Seven Year Plan, US and CA (1946-1953); Statistics
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