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  1. Absolute Poverty and Utter Nothingness, by Rodney H. Clarken, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 8:1 (1997). Bahá’u’lláh’s ideas of poverty as detachment, and nothingness as selflessness. Cites some commonalities in concepts of detachment and nothingness from Buddha, Confucius, Jesus, Muhammad and Socrates as five of the greatest philosophers or prophets. [about]
  2. Additional Tablets, Extracts and Talks, by Abdu'l-Bahá (2018/2023). 167 selections, updated August 2023. [about]
  3. Bahá'í Cosmological Symbolism and the Ecofeminist Critique, by Michael W. Sours, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 7:1 (1995). Constituents of Bahá'í cosmological symbolism; introduction to the main feminist/environmentalist arguments; eschatological character of Bahá'í cosmological symbolism; Bahá'í eschatology provides answers to many feminist and ecological objections. [about]
  4. Bahá'u'lláh and the God of Avicenna, by Joshua Hall, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 31:3 (2022-03). Comparison of the teachings of Bahá’u’lláh on the nature of God with the philosophy of Avicenna; this helps one understand the philosophical content and significance, and rational rigor, of Bahá’u’lláh’s own statements on God’s existence and creative act. [about]
  5. Bahá'u'lláh's Seven Valleys and Developmental Psychology: Toward a Conception of Spiritual Development, by Andrew R. Hatala, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 21:1-4 (2011). Through the lens of the Seven Valleys, this paper creates a dialogue between theories of developmental psychology and Bahá’í philosophical perspectives, explores the evolution of the "self," and examines spiritual striving in human phylogeny and ontogeny. [about]
  6. Bahá'u'lláh's Teachings on Spiritual Reality (1996). The quest for spirituality, the spiritual life, material and spiritual reality, the progress of the soul and humanity’s spiritual education. [about]
  7. Bahá'u'lláh and the Luminous Mind: Bahá'í Gloss on a Buddhist Puzzle, by Roland Faber, in Lights of Irfan, 18 (2017). Non-duality is of central importance to Buddhist thought and experience; on monism and non-dualism as reflected in Asian religious expressions, including Hinduism's Advaita Vedanta. [about]
  8. Becoming Your True Self, by Daniel C. Jordan, in World Order, 3:1 (1968). The nature of human potential, and how the Bahá'í Faith can guide the process of spiritual transformation. [about]
  9. Challenges for Bahá'í Youth in a Western Way of Life, by Universal House of Justice (2013-04-19). Difficulties young people might face in upholding Bahá'í ideals and standards of behaviour in the context of Western culture and sexual mores. [about]
  10. Community in Diversity: The New Man, by Peter Hulme, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 1:1 (1991). The focus of this presentation is the community of selves within each of us. Where is the evidence that we are more than one self? [about]
  11. Consciousness, Imagination and Gratitude: The Inexhaustible Sources of the Self, by Todd Lawson (2011-05). [about]
  12. Death of Death, The: A Study of Self-Annihilation and Suicide in the Light of Sufi Thought and Bahá'u'lláh's Early Texts, by Bernardo Bortolin Kerr (2014). On theories of suicide in the field of conventional psychology and the writings of Bahá'u'lláh. [about]
  13. Diacritics; meaning of "Self-subsisting", by Universal House of Justice (1993-01-21). Two disparate topics: the translation style adopted by the Guardian and other considerations related to literary style and the sacred writings, and the meaning of the term "self-subsisting." [about]
  14. Dimensions of Spirituality: Reflections on the Meaning of Spiritual Life and Transformation in Light of the Bahá'í Faith, by Jack McLean (1994). The search for truth; models and profiles of spiritual transformation; the mystical sense — prayer and meditation; a paradigm of spirituality and life tests; spiritual anthropology — the self and the soul; imagination; faith, love, and knowledge. [about]
  15. Dimensions of Spirituality, by Jack McLean: Review, by Julio Savi, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 7:1 (1995). [about]
  16. Encyclopaedia Iranica: Selected articles related to Persian culture, religion, philosophy and history, by Encyclopaedia Iranica, in Encyclopaedia Iranica (1982-2023). Sorted, categorized collection of links to over 170 articles. [about]
  17. Entering into Obligatory Prayer: Introduction and Commentary, by Ismael Velasco (2006). Overview of Bahá'í prayer, its historical background, and a detailed commentary on the preamble to the Long Obligatory Prayer. [about]
  18. Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (Lawh-i-Ibn-i-Dhib): Self-quotations from Baha'u'llah found in Epistle to the Son of the Wolf (1998). Compares Bahá'u'lláh's self-quotations in the Epistle with their earlier versions. [about]
  19. Firm Cord of Servitude, The, by Theo A. Cope, in Lights of Irfan, Book 2 (2001). A call for a revisioning of mysticism's claims of "union with God" in light of the Bahá'í Teachings as well as Jungian psychology. [about]
  20. He who knoweth his self hath known his Lord (Man ‘arafa nafsahú faqad ‘arafa Rabbahú): Commentary, by Bahá'u'lláh (1996). Translation by Shoghi Effendi, completed by Cole. Themes include Islamic mysticism and the meaning of detachment, the meaning of the hadith about knowing one's self, the meaning of Return, and the hadith "The believer is alive in both worlds." [about]
  21. Hidden Words: References of 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi, by Abdu'l-Bahá and Shoghi Effendi (1998). [about]
  22. How to get out of it: Faná' and baqá' in the Early Writings of Baha'u'llah, by Alison Marshall (1999-01). Annihilation and the self in the Hidden Words and the Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys. [about]
  23. Insistent Self, The: How to Nurture Our Spirit, by Lesley Shams (2015). The nature of our ego and the effort needed to prevent this lower nature taking over and hindering our spiritual destiny; compilation of guidance from the Writings and other sources on the spiritual path, prayer, fasting, sacrifice, tests, love, etc. [about]
  24. Krishna, historiography of; Meaning of "Qayyúm", by Universal House of Justice (1983-08-15). Two questions: historical information about Krishna, and the meaning of the term "qayyum". [about]
  25. La Condition Humaine: âme, raison, conscience, by Pierre Daoust (2023-09). Cet article propose un tour d'horizon des Écrits sur les notions d'âme, de raison et de conscience et en tire des conclusions sur la condition et la noblesse de l'être humain. [about]
  26. Light and Mercy: Mental Health and Tests and Difficulties, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (2021). The physical and mental impact of the continuing pandemic is evident around us, and the members of the Baha’i community are not immune. This publication will be of assistance and support to the friends both individually and collectively. [about]
  27. Light Was in the Darkness, The: Reflections on the Growth that Hides in the Pain of Suffering, by Michael L. Penn, in Bahá'í World (2020-07). Existential stress and its relationship to individual growth and development, drawing on the rich spiritual and philosophical heritage of humanity. [about]
  28. Lights of Guidance: A Bahá'í Reference File, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (1988). The classic Bahá'í reference book. This is its first online edition. [about]
  29. List of Baha'i Studies and Translations, by Stephen Lambden. A list of content available at Lambden's personal website, Hurqalya Publications, with select links to manuscripts, texts, introductions. Includes Shaykhi and Bábí studies, bibliographies, genealogies, provisional translations. [about]
  30. Lists of Articles, by Brent Poirier (2009-2019). Lists of 126 articles at the author's six blog websites. [about]
  31. Literary Imitation in Three Poems Attributed to Tahirih Qurrat al-ʿAyn, by Sahba Shayani, in Hawwa, 21:4 (2023-12). The poetry of Tahirih has largely been ignored by historians, partly from politico-religious intolerance, but also because of a lack of detailed information and primary sources; comparison of three of her most famous istiqbál poems. [about]
  32. Messages from the Universal House of Justice 1963-1986: Third Epoch of the Formative Age, by Universal House of Justice (1996). [about]
  33. Metaphor and the Language of Revelation, by Ross Woodman, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 8:1 (1997). To enter the realm of metaphor as the language of the soul is to come into direct contact with the Word as the originating power of creation. [about]
  34. Mizán of Affect in Material v. Metaphysical Models of Human Consciousness, The, by John S. Hatcher, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 32:3-4 (2023-07). Though Bahá'í teachings hold that the soul progresses after the body ceases to exist, the physical brain is essential to our development; emotional processing requires a healthy brain; the brain-as-transceiver model can help treat affective disorders. [about]
  35. Path to God, The: 1956, by Dorothy Baker, in Bahá'í World, Vol. 12 (1950-54) (1956). Some elements for spiritual success: power through prayer and nine benefits of prayer, victorious living, and immortality. [about]
  36. Perception Into Faith: A Radical Discontinuity Within Unity, by William Barnes, in Lights of Irfan, Book 2 (2001). Entering into eternal life is both a change of being and of perception; the two natures of man; faith versus good deeds as means for attaining eternal life; the Bahá’í 'spirit of faith'. [about]
  37. Provisional Translations of Selected Writings of the Báb, Baháʼuʼlláh, and ʻAbdu'l-Bahá, by Peyman Sazedj (2009-2011). Twenty-four translations from 2009, 2010, and 2011 copied from the defunct website [about]
  38. Psychology and Knowledge of Self, by Bahá'u'lláh and Abdu'l-Bahá (n.d.). [about]
  39. Psychology of Spirituality, The: From Divided Self to Integrated Self, by Hossain Danesh (2000). Explores what is the nature of human reality, the purpose of human life, transcendence, and whether we have free will, using case histories, in-depth analysis, and practical examples. First 3 chapters only. [about]
  40. Radiant Acquiescence, by Orcella Rexford, in World Order (1937-09). "Radiant acquiescence" (ridá') means not only to give up your will to the Divine Will, but to do so joyfully and with radiance, knowing it is the best way in the end. [about]
  41. Reflections on The Four Valleys of Bahá'u'lláh, by Amrollah Hemmat, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 30:4 (2021). Studies of this book often focus on its Sufi and mystical aspects. But when it is seen within the larger context of the totality of the Bahá’í Writings, its purpose appears as a guide for spiritual wayfarers to the recognition of the Manifestation of God. [about]
  42. Resolve to Gain the Victory over Your Own Selves (2013). Passages from the writings of Bahá'u'lláh related to personal growth. [about]
  43. Searching for God in time and memory: An examination of Bahá'í prayer as 'remembrance', by Christopher White, in Reason and Revelation: Studies in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, 13 (2002). Describes Bahá'í prayer practices as a way to understand the human self and the Divine and overcoming the gap between the two. [about]
  44. Self and Selflessness: A Personal Meditative Booklet (2023). A meditational compilation of writings on the mystical nature of the self and selflessness, self-effacement, and self-abnegation, designed as an aid for reflection and contemplation. [about]
  45. Self-Defense, Guidance on, by Universal House of Justice, in Messages from the Universal House of Justice: 1963-1986 (1996). Whether Bahá'ís may practice self-defense in times of danger, and whether American Bahá'ís should purchase firearms. [about]
  46. Self-Defense, the Ungodly, Infallibility, and Sexual Violence and Abuse, by Universal House of Justice (2004-09-06). Answers to a number of questions, with extracts from four letters of the House, on self-defense, the ungodly, infallibility, sexual violence, and abuse. [about]
  47. Seven Valleys, The: Notes from a Deepening Class, by Abu'l-Qasim Faizi (1966). Lengthy notes from a deepening led by Hand of the Cause Faizi in Haifa, Israel. [about]
  48. Tablet to Ismael on Annihilation in God (Lawh-i-Ismael), by Abdu'l-Bahá (2002). Short mention of faná', the mystical annihilation of the self, "which is none other than being a total sacrifice in His Lordship." [about]
  49. Various Essays, by Susan Gammage (2013-2018/2023). 47 short essays on following the teachings and living a Bahá'í life, life coaching and counselling, recovery from substances or abuse, family matters, dreams, elections, debt, abortion, and more. Includes bios of Bruce Matthews and Caroline Lehmann. [about]
  50. Verge of the New, The: A Series of Talks, by Steven Phelps (2017-09-18). Introducing a way of looking at the past and future of religion in the context of the scientific revolution and the Enlightenment. Includes compilation of Writings on spiritual dislocation, science, language, spiritual evolution, nature, and revelation. [about]
  51. Zen Gloss on Baha'u'llah's Commentary on "He who knoweth his self knoweth his Lord", A, by Juan Cole (1996). A Buddhist interpretation of themes in Bahá'u'lláh's tablet on Islamic mysticism and a saying about knowing one's self. [about]
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