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  1. Gems of Divine Mysteries, by Bahá'u'lláh (2002). A lengthy tablet in Arabic on how the Mahdi was Ali Muhammad, The Báb, the Primal Point. Written during the Baghdad period for Siyyid Yúsuf-i-Sihdihí Isfahání. His questions were brought from Karbila, and answered the same day. [about]
  2. Seven Cities in the Spiritual Journey to God: Gems of Divine Mystersies (Javáhiru'l-Asrár) and Seven Valleys, by Asadu'llah Fadil Mazandarani, in Star of the West, 13:11 (1923-02). Address given to an American audience in 1923, probably translated by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, who accompanied Fadl's second tour of the USA and Canada. [about]
  3. Seven Cities of Bahá'u'lláh, The (2002). This is a compilation of only those passages from Bahá'u'lláh’s Gems of Divine Mysteries that relate to the journey through "Seven Cities," which has similarities to Bahá'u'lláh’s Seven Valleys. [about]
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