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1936 (In the year) The first woman was elected to the National Spiritual Assembly of India, Shirin Fozdar. India Shirin Fozdar; Women; NSA; Firsts, Other
1950 25 May Dr Khodadad M. Fozdar, a medical officer of the State Railways in India, arrived in Singapore, the first pioneer to the country. [BW13:393]
  • His wife, Shirin Fozdar, joined him in September 1950.
  • Singapore Khodadad M. Fozdar; Shirin Fozdar
    1954 Feb Shirin Fozdar arrived in Saigon, the first pioneer to Vietnam.
  • In June 1954, her daughter-in-law, Parvati Fozdar (wife of Jamshed Fozdar's) and their young son, Vilay, came to Saigon from the United States to help Ms. Shirin Fozdar. Jamshed Fozdar arrived on July 18, 1954. A month later. In August Ms. Shirin Fozdar returned to New Zealand. Mr. Jamshed Fozdar found employment and the family lived for a long time in a small apartment at 88 Le Loi Street (the old Bonard).
  • Pham Huu Chu was the first person to accept the Bahá'í Faith in Vietnam. [Bahá'í Religion in Community Education in Vietnam by Vu Van Chung]
  • Saigon; Vietnam Shirin Fozdar; pioneer
    1954 1 Mar Shirin Fozdar visited Cambodia to receive the first medallion and Certificate of Satrei Vatthana (Champion of Women) from His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk. She was the first Bahá'í to enter the country.
  • She was not able to teach the Faith openly but she did speak about it to the king's parents.
  • Cambodia Shirin Fozdar; King Norodom Sihanouk
    1958. 26 Apr The passing of Dr M Khodad Fozdar in Singapore.

    He was the first Indian Parsi to accept the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh. In 1950 he and his wife Shirin moved to Singapore. He pioneered to the Andaman Islands and became a Knight of Baha'u'lláh in response to the Indian seven-year plan. [BW13p892]

    Singapore M Khodad Fozdar; In Memoriam; Knight of Bahaullah; Shirin Fozdar
    1975 19 Jun - 2 Jul Two* Bahá'í women represented the Bahá'í International Community at the first World Conference on Women in Mexico City. It was the first international conference held by the United Nations to focus solely on women's issues and marked a turning point in policy directives. Nine Bahá'ís represented the Bahá'í International Community at the parallel NGO Tribune. Those attending were: Dorothy Nelson*; Jane Faily, Sheila Banání, Edris Rice-Wray, Carmen Burafato, Catherine Mboya, Shirin Fozdar*, Jyoti Munsiff, Elsie Austin and Shomais Afnán.
  • The purpose of the Conference was to give shape to a Ten-Year Plan of Action to promote equality between men and women in member nations by stressing better education and increased participation of women in decision-making in order to bring the neglected resources of women into the struggle for development and peace. [CBN No 287 Aug/Sep 1975 p16; Wikipedia; United Nations - Conferences]
  • The Bahá'í International Community issued a statement entitled International Women's Year.
  • See UN Women.
  • Mexico City; Mexico Bahai International Community; Conference; Womens Conference; Dorothy Nelson; Jane Faily; Sheila Banani; Edris Rice-Wray; Carmen Burafato; Catherine Mboya; Shirin Fozdar; Jyoti Munsiff; Elsie Austin; Shomais Afnan; BIC statements </i>"></i>
    1988 8 Mar Shirin Fozdar, ardent champion of women's rights and influential women's leader, was honoured for her work for equality and women's advancement at a ceremony organized by the Singapore Council of Women, which she founded in 1952. [BINS176:7] Singapore Shirin Fozdar; Women; Awards
    1992. 2 Sep The passing of Shirin Fozdar (b. 1 March 1905 in Bombay (now Mumbai)) in Singapore. She was an Indian Bahá'í of Zoroastrian descent who was, along with her husband Dr. K. M. Fozdar, the first Bahá'í pioneers to Singapore in 1950. She was an inaugural member of the National Spiritual Assembly of South East Asia elected in Djakarta in 1957.

    Shirin Fozdar was also notable for her work for women's rights founding the Singapore Council of Women which was responsible for the passing of the Women's Charter in the Singaporean Parliament in 1961.

    The Singapore Management University implemented The Shirin Fozdar Program in 2009. It has a scholarship and an annual lecture as well as community service projects. [Bahaipedia; Singapore Memory]

  • See the video Shirin Fozdar-a Bahá'í and a Champion of Women's Rights.
  • See Bahá'í Blog 20 February 2022.
  • Bombay; Singapore Shirin Fozdar; In Memoriam
    2012. 15 Feb Queen Elizabeth II launched the Diamond Jubilee of her reign with a multifaith reception at Lambeth Palace, the official residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Highlighting the ongoing centenary commemorations of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's travels to Egypt and the West, the Bahá'í community displayed a robe that He had worn. The exhibit also included a framed calligraphic rendering of words from 'Abdu'l-Bahá's first ever public speech, delivered on 10 September 1911 at London's City Temple: "The gift of God to this enlightened age is the knowledge of the oneness of mankind and of the fundamental oneness of religion."

    The Bahá'í delegation was lead by Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi and also consisted of Patrick O'Mara – Secretary of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United Kingdom, Nasrin O'Kane from Northern Ireland and Liam Stephens from the Isle of Skye. [BWNS889]

    London; United Kingdom Queen Elizabeth II; Shirin Fozdar-Foroudi; Patrick O'Mara; Nasrin O'Kane; Liam Stephens

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    1. Through the Eyes of Margaret Cousins: Irish and Indian Suffragette, by Keith Munro (2018). Biography of the co-founder of the Irish Women's Franchise League, a theosophist, who met both Martha Root and Shoghi Effendi. [about]
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