- Aboriginal and Indigenous People, Teaching Among, by Shoghi Effendi. Universal House of Justice, Research Department, comp. (2000) Importance and scope of the teaching work among the masses of various countries and their aboriginal and indigenous inhabitants.
- Guidance for Bahá'í Radio from the Bahá'í World Centre, Donald R. Witzel, comp. (1990) Selection of guidance received from the Bahá'í World Centre on Bahá'í radio from May, 1980 to December, 1989, on four major themes: administration; programming, training and production; finance and technical matters.
- Outposts of a World Religion by a Bahá'í Traveler: Journeys Taken in 1933-1935, Accompanied by Edward R. Mathews, by Loulie Mathews. (n.d.) Autobiography of trips to New Zealand, New Guinea, Australia, Hawaii, and South America teaching the Faith.