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1955 4 May Sylvia Ioas was appointed to the International Bahá'í Council as its ninth member. [BW19:612; GBF110; MBW86; PP253; CBN No65 Jun 1955 p1; BN No 292 Jun 1955 p3] Haifa Sylvia Ioas; International Bahai Council
1961 Ridván The International Bahá'í Council was elected by postal ballot of the members of the national spiritual assemblies. It was to serve a two-year term of office. [BW13:397; MoC282]
  • The members were Jessie Revell (Treasurer), ‘Alí Nakhjavání (President), Lutfu'lláh Hakím, Ethel Revell, Charles Wolcott (Secretary General), Sylvia Ioas (Vice-President), Mildred Mottahedeh, Ian Semple (Assistant Secretary), and Borah Kavelin (Member-at-Large. He continued serving on the National Spiritual Assembly of the United States). [MoC282, 291]
  • See BW13:398 for picture.
  • See also BBD118; BBRSM131; BW16:90; CB324; MoC168, 242. iiiii
  • Haifa; BWC International Bahai Council; Universal House of Justice; Jessie Revell; Ali Nakhjavani; Lutfullah Hakim; Ethel Revell; Charles Wolcott; Sylvia Ioas; Mildred Mottahedeh; Ian Semple; H. Borrah Kavelin; Firsts, Other
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