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Search for tag "Terrorism"

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  1. Living Purposefully in a Time of Violence, by Holly Hanson (2001-09-13). Contemplation of Bahá'í responses to the global issues raised by 9/11. [about]
  2. Martyrdom in Jihad, by Jonah Winters (1997). Unlike Judeo-Christianity, Islam does not contain a core of martyrdom. Rather, it occurs in three disparate areas: war/jihad, asceticism, and Shi'ism. I examine the relationship between jihad and martyrdom and their classical and contemporary meanings. [about]
  3. Relating the Faith to Current Issues, by Peter J. Khan (1986). Short essay outlining an approach to relate the teachings to current thoughts and problems of humanity. [about]
  4. Responding to an Attack on Humanity, by Alan Bryson (2010-10-18). Reflections on the events of 9/11. [about]
  5. Rise of the Terrorism and Secessionism in South Asia: A Baha'i Viewpoint, by Ali K. Merchant, in Journal of Dharma, 25:3-4 (2000). A short article about causes of terrorism, its history in India, understanding the terrorist mindset, and some Bahá'í solutions. [about]
  6. Terrorism, Freedom from: Warwick Leaflets, by Warwick Bahá'í Bookshop (1996). [about]
  7. Theology of Osama bin Laden, The: History and 9/11, by Susan Maneck (2001-09). Overview of the Muslim thinkers who influenced bin Laden and their motivations, and some historical context. [about]
  8. Time of Peril, Prospects for Peace, by Glenford Mitchell (2001-10-11). Talk at the Bahá'í Unity Center in Atlanta. [about]
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