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1990 - 1992 The launching of a subsidiary Two Year Subsidiary Plan for the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc countries. [Message 8 February 1990; Ridván Message 1992; BW20p195-224].

Goals were:

  1. attraction of numerous supporters
  2. great increase in the translation, publication and dissemination of Bahá'í literature
  3. the extension of the administrative order in the region by the erection of local and national spiritual assemblies [AWH71]
Eastern Europe; Soviet Union; Russia Teaching Plans; Two Year Subsidiary Plan
1992 Ridván The Second Holy Year commenced. [Ridván 1992; AWH40, 90, 95–6; BW92–3:20; VV127, 133]
  • For the purpose of the Holy Year see AWH96–7, 107–9 and BW92–93:20, 29–30.
  • For the significance of Holy Year see BW92–3:95–6, AWH107-109.
  • From the Ridván Message...
      The Faith of Bahá'u'lláh is represented in every country on earth. The sudden change in the political climate, no doubt by intervention of God's Major Plan, opened vast regions to the penetration of the divine teachings, primarily in the former Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries. The opportunities created by this change made possible the settlement of Knights of Bahá'u'lláh in the last virgin territories that remained from Shoghi Effendi's Ten Year World Crusade. They also impelled the launching at Ridván 1990 of the subsidiary Two Year Plan for those regions. This supplementary Plan was a spectacular success, not only in terms of expansion in the many countries involved, but also in the diversity of the strata represented by the new believers in these countries, in the volume and variety of Bahá'í literature published and in the array of Bahá'í institutions established during that short time. The Bahá'í world was highly stimulated by these developments, and a number of countries elsewhere recorded significant successes in the teaching work…
  • Holy Years; Centenaries; Statistics; Teaching Plans; Two Year Subsidiary Plan
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