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1935 Mar World Order magazine was founded. [SBR236; BWNS1289]
  • The publication included essays, poems, personal recollections, and historical pieces. The periodical brought together into one volume works by scholars, poets, artists, and practitioners from various fields of endeavour. The first volume also included excerpts from a letter by Shoghi Effendi titled "The Goal of a New World Order."
  • There was a break in publication from 1949 to 1966. [Bahá'í Works]
  • PDFs of most volumes are available for downloading from the Bahá'í Works website.
  • United States World Order magazine; - Periodicals; First publications; Publications; BWNS

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    1. Bahá'í News Publications Seek to Elevate Thought, Inspire Action, by Bahá'í World News Service, in Bahá'í World (2018-10-12). Brief overview of the histories of various Bahá'í journals: Star of the West, Khurshid-i khavar, Sonne der Wahrheit, Wirklichkeit, The Dawn, Herald of the South, The Bahá'í World, World Order, and Bahá’í World News Service. [about]
    2. New Wave of Bahá'í Intellectual Thought, A: The Impact and Contributions of World Order Magazine, by Seena Fazel, in Religions, 14:4 (2023). The main themes and papers in World Order, interviews with editors, listing of the number of articles by topic, and summary of available information on the most cited (from Google Scholar) and downloaded (from Bahá'í Library Online) World Order papers. [about]
    3. The Cause of Universal Peace: 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Enduring Impact, by Kathryn Jewett-Hogenson, in Bahá'í World (2021-02-23). On Abdu'l-Bahá's interest in the Lake Mohonk Conferences on International Arbitration in New York, 1912, and the Quaker founders Albert and Alfred Smiley; Leroy Ioas and the World Unity Conferences; World Unity magazine (later World Order). [about]
    4. Topical Index of Articles, Editorials, and Reviews Published in World Order (2014). Listing of articles from issues 1 through 38, 1966-2007, organized by topic. [about]
    5. World Order: Complete issues, in World Order (1935-1949, 1966-2006). [about]
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