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1950 15 Jan The earliest observation of what has become known as World Religion Day was observed in Portland, Maine in October of 1947 and was entitled "World Peace Through World Religion" after a talk by Firuz Kazemzadeh. [Portland Sunday Telegram And Sunday Press Herald. Portland, Maine. October 19, 1947. p. 42.; BN No 229 March 1956 p1]
  • In 1949 there were observances in various communities in the United States and in December of 1949 it was standardized across the United States by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʼís of the United States to be held January 15, 1950. The purpose of World Religion Day is to highlight the ideas that the spiritual principles underlying the world's religions are harmonious, and that religions play a significant role in unifying humanity. [BN No 226 December 1949 106BE p4-5]
  • It is celebrated internationally each year on the third Sunday in January. [Wikipedia]
  • See World Religion Day (January) by Christopher Buck
  • See message from the Universal House of Justice dated 22 October, 1968 to the Spiritual Assembly of Chicago in Lights of Guidance #1710 in which they describe the purpose of World Religion Day.

    " a celebration of the need for and the coming of a world religion for mankind, the Bahá'í Faith itself." iiiii

  • United States World Religion Day; Interfaith dialogue; Firsts, Other; Firuz Kazemzadeh
    1986 (In the year) The Sri Lanka post office issued a commemorative postage stamp featuring the Bahá'í-sponsored World Religion Day. [BINS176:4] Sri Lanka World Religion Day; Stamps
    1991 20 Jan The first World Religion Day to be held in Bophuthatswana took place in Mmabatho. [BINS 244:1] Mmabatho; Bophuthatswana; South Africa World Religion Day
    1993 17 Jan The first World Religion Day commemoration to be held in Mozambique took place in Maputo. [BINS290:5; BW92–3:140] Maputo; Mozambique World Religion Day

    from the chronology of Canada

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    1951. 21 Jan The Ottawa community observed World Religion Day by securing a 15-minute slot on CFRA Radio where Rowland Estall read a script that had been prepared by Winnifred Harvey on the significance of the event. In the evening he spoke at a public meeting at the Chateau Laurier. [CBN No 18 March 1951 p12] iiiii Ottawa, ON; World Religion Day; Rowland Estall; Winnifred Harvey

    from the main catalogue

    1. Fourth Candle, The: The Unity of Religion and Interfaith Dialogue, by Christopher Buck, in dialogue magazine, 1:2 (1986). What does "Unity in Religion" mean, and how does it apply for Bahá'ís' interactions with other religious communities? An essay inspired by Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet "Seven Candles of Unity," utopia, Hans Kung, and the Lesser Peace. [about]
    2. List of Articles on, by Christopher Buck (2020). List of online essays and articles by Christopher Buck since 2014. [about]
    3. World Religion Day, by Christopher Buck, in Religions of the World: A Comprehensive Encyclopedia of Beliefs and Practices, Vol. 6, ed. J. Gordon Melton & Martin Baumann (2010). [about]
    4. World Religion Day (January), by Christopher Buck, in Religious Celebrations: An Encyclopedia of Holidays, Festivals, Solemn Observances, and Spiritual Commemorations (2011-09). [about]
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