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1848. 10 Apr The Báb in Chihríq

The Báb was transferred to the fortress of Chihríq, `Jabal-i-Shadíd' (the Grievous Mountain) into the custody of Yahyá Khán, a brother-in-law of Muhammad Sháh. [BR72; BBRSM216; GPB19]
  • He remained there for two years. [BBD55; BBR73; GPB27]
  • He was subjected to a more rigorous confinement than He had been at Máh-Kú and the warden was harsh and unpredictable. [Bab135; DB302]
  • See Light of Faith: A collection of stories by Paris Sadeghzadeh and Behnam Golmohammadi p50, 54-55, 59-60.
  • Chihriq; Iran Bab, Life of; Chihriq; Fortresses, castles and palaces; Yahya Khan; Muhammad Shah; Mah-Ku; Bab, Basic timeline; - Basic timeline, Expanded
    1848 Apr-Jul The presence of the Báb in Chihríq attracted much notice. Eventually Yahyá Khán softened his attitude to the Báb. [Bab135; DB303]
  • Excitement among local people eclipsed that of Máh-Kú. [GPB20]
  • Many priests and government officials became followers, among them Mírzá Asadu'lláh of Khuy, surnamed Dayyán. [Bab136; DB303; GPB20]
  • So many Bábís came to Chihríq that they could not all be housed. [Bab135]
  • See B136 for story of the inferior honey.
  • A dervish, a former navváb, arrived from India after having seen the Báb in a vision. [Bab137; DB305; GPB20]
  • The Báb revealed the Lawh-i-Hurúfát (Tablet of the Letters) in honour of Dayyán. [DB304; GPB27]
  • Chihriq; Iran; India Bab, Life; Yahya Khan; Mah-Ku; Dayyan (Mirza Asadullah); Honey; Dervishes; Navvab (Asiyih Khanum); Lawh-i-Hurufat (Tablet of the Letters); Huruf (letters)
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