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1937 2 May The Yerrinbool Bahá'í School (originally known as ‘Bolton Place') was officially opened in Australia. [Yerrinbool Bahá'í School 1938 - 1988: An Account of the First Fifty Years by Graham Hassall; Yerrinbool Bahá'í School and the Australian Bahá'í Community by Fazel Naghdy]
  • Bahaipedia.
  • Yerrinbool; Australia Yerrinbool Bahai School; Bahai inspired schools
    1987 (In the year) The first National Children's Camp in Australia was held in Yerrinbool School with 36 children between 9 and 13 years of age in attendance. [BINS173:10] Yerrinbool; Australia Yerrinbool Bahai School; Bahai schools; Children

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    1. Yerrinbool Bahá'í School 1938 - 1988: An Account of the First Fifty Years, by Graham Hassall (1988). History of an early Australian Bahá'í school. [about]
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