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1968. Jul The meaning of "Just Government" was clarified by The Universal House of Justice. The reply sent to an individual called attention to a letter to a believer dated September 7, 1937 in which the beloved Guardian said:
    "As regards the Bahá'í principle of obedience to just governments, what is meant here by just is recognized and well-established authority."
The Universal House of Justice further stated that in a letter to the National Teaching Committee for Central America dated July 3, 1948, the beloved Guardian, in explaining the statement in the Master's Will, said:
    "What the Master's statement really means is obedience to a duly constituted government, whatever that government may be in form. We are not the ones, as individual Bahá'ís to judge our government as just or unjust - for each believer would be sure to hold a different viewpoint, and within our own Bahá'í fold a hotbed of dissension would spring up and destroy our unity. We must build up our Bahá'í system, and leave the faulty systems of the world to go their way. We cannot change them through our becoming involved in them; on the contrary, they will destroy us."
The same believer who asked about the meaning of "just government" also asked whether or not Bahá'ís should own or buy guns to protect themselves and their families. The Universal House of Justice replied:
    "Under the present circumstances in the United States it is preferable that Bahá'ís not buy or own arms for their protection or the protection of their families."
[National Bahá'í Review No 7 July 1968 p2]
BWC Just Government; guns

from the chronology of Canada

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1960 1 Jul Ben Whitecow and Louise Many Guns were married in the first Bahá'í marriage legally recognized in Canada in a Bahá'í service by the Spiritual Assembly of Calgary, Alberta. The Canadian Bahá'í News article noted the significance that it was a First Nations couple who had this honour in this unique event. "Thirty people attended from Edmonton, Lethbridge, Regina, Piikani First Nation (Peigan Reserve), AB, and Calgary. This event was unique in that it was the first legally recognized Baha'i marriage in Canada. It is significant that a First Nations couple should have this honour [Canadian Baha'i News 1961]. Calgary, AB Ben Whitecow; Louise Whitecow; Louise Many Guns; Weddings; Recognition (legal); Native Americans; First Nations
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