Two letters giving an overview of wheelchair access to various points on pilgrimage tours.
Transmitted by email. Both letters written to the same person, and submitted by and posted with permission of recipient.
21 February 2000
Dear Bahá'í Friend,
Office of Pilgrimage
Dear Bahá'í Friend, As you are aware, pilgrimage and special occasions as designated by the House of Justice are the times when believers look upon the portrait of the Blessed Beauty in an atmosphere of particular reverence. With regard to your case, and the possibility of believers with disabilities participating in pilgrimage, we wish to clarify that anyone who needs assistance may arrange for a traveling companion to aid them, and through consultation with the pilgrim guides, every effort is made to accommodate pilgrims confined to wheelchairs. You should not be in any doubt that you are most welcome to come to the Holy Land, and as a pilgrim, you would not only have the bounty of praying in the Shrines, but also of visiting the International Archives Building, which houses an authentic portrait of Bahá'u'lláh. There are several Holy Places in which pilgrims confined to a wheelchair may be unable to visit the upper floors; however, this should not preclude your participation in most of the pilgrimage program, including viewing the portrait of Bahá'u'lláh....
Office of Pilgrimage |
Views | 10132 views since posted 2000-02; last edit 2012; previous at archive.org.../uhj_handicapped_access_bwc; URLs changed in 2010, see archive.org.../bahai-library.org |
Permission | recipient (of letter) |
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